Wednesday, October 31, 2018

And This Shall Be End, The Backward Running Clock Mean We're To Know The End Before We Know The Beginning, The End Of The Church Age, Is The Bride's Escape

The Little Miya Girl Of Translation Listening To, Brain Nhira, to Death Do Us Part, The Error/Era Of Meeting Migrants To Asylum seekers With Trump's, US Military, Beware, Apb

The Churchians verses the Christians -Watchman, what of the night of seeing entire families climbing up to God by these perilous footbridges, catwalks, tightropes and endless dare deviling, right up to God, right into His Throne. So much so like stealing, killing, destroying and whoring right into God's Throne is ever possible. -Still they all begin to hear so crystally, the heavenly voice of Elohim, " and I will wipe away all tears from your eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be anymore pain; for the former things have passed away. -Only having thieved their way into heaven, the entire family of them, just as you witnessed the crystallized sky fall and rainbow, down upon them all, ALL! These knowing, crystallized families come crashing down, fumbling, stumbling and banging right to their deaths; then after this nondescript horror, comes judgment, watchman, you really think even after many millennia of forewarning, they know even this? Beware, Apb

-Driver Charged With Reckless Homicide In Crash At School Stop That Killed Three Siblings

And This Shall Be End, The Backward Running Clock Mean We're To Know The End Before We Know The Beginning, The End Of The Church Age Is The Bride's Escape, Beware, Apb

-HAPPY HALLOWEEN, IT IS APPOINTED UNTO ALL MEN TO DIE AND AFTER THAT THE JUDGMENT BUT NOT THE CHILD, JESUS WARN HIS IS ONLY DEATH! What a horror story for any family let alone these families.Though we look at this as an unimaginable tearing out the heart God, His heart torn out as well, Elohim sees this impossible to endure as three more children who can no longer be modeled along abominations, abortions as of all other wicked devices of fornication to death-styles, (A)dulterers, (L)esbians, (G)ays, (B)i-sexuals, (T)ransgenders, (Q)ueers and P for (P)edophiles; as in all sexual abnormality, all unrighteousness is sin, ALL!
-This was the demo 2010, of seeing six millennia of rebellion, as three persons, biblical representatives to a single bike. Just now all I see are all the more bear beast grazing on the horizon and the word tribulation scrolling non stop along the news ticker. Only a short lived jubilee can follow the crashing petrodollar, surely the mark of the beast, not a laughing matter, like slaying tens of millions to billions, never is, surely DETRIMENT follows. So these three prophetic representatives, to a single bike, the appointed, 2007-2017/18, little Miya girl of car apocalypse come; the Genesis woman seed, the Holy Bride, it's righteous harvest, the 12 Tribes of Israel, it's authentic blood lineage.
-All as Noah's day, by a harvest of sexual abnormality facing genocide, being seeded right there in the church and even more so. THESE God's Will for mankind, all see by a portal, a smoke right out of the bottomless pit itself, just a horde of demons pouring out, upon and into mass assemblers, as in greater the abomination given into greater the abominations. But, but you all ask what does these children horrible deaths have to do with abominable fornicators? That's just it, from the Genesis man/marriage, even NEWLYWEDS, condemn His, He condemns yours, actually, everything, everything.
-Everything that is Jesus Millennium reign and God's Kingdom come on new heaven, earth.
-By this here, up close terrorism, you're only getting a broadside view of what now a reigning Jesus is threatening a whore Jezebel, also a spirit of fornication like the Abortion into the LGBTQP legalized agendas, then brought into the church, that's rather for the growing up of mankind into Holy Christ. Presently, brought into the schools, that's rather for growing up of future generations into Sons and Saints of God, anything else fathered by Satan, thieves, liars, murderers and judgment.  
-I tell you, time I heard in my hearing 2017 kill all parents by, finish all schools, I knew, undoubtedly I knew. I knew it was as the days of Noah beginning American and Westerners soil and God was about to enact a Noah's day extinction level event. Elohim, even 2017, called a Noah's cousin, as so a Nuclear Fate, As of an extinction level event and none can say but God made a rainbow promise, yes, but God is not mocked, not only did you break the rainbow covenant, you flaunt said rebellious detestation by great celebrations and debating protest nationally and internationally and then question the predicted 2017 aqua age, come, your beloved, lives, lands and churches.
-All ELE'S come, beginning US soil, it's predicted, disaster Hawaii, for when it shall begin to blow, remember 01/13-16/2018, of Jesus’ Rev, 2, conference and this shall be the end. A world war, a world pandemic, a Nibiru, 3’xs Yellowstone, Carrington Event times many, the Islamic/Antichrist/ Armageddon, reign. All active ELE'S include come cataclysmic this world alone, the snatching out, first of the, for many millennia now, Holy Bride and incalculable number of Holy Intravenous Angels. Now if you're one of those as Prophet Ezekiel day crying God has turn away from the church, HE has no further business with us! All of the raining down to pouring down of every manner of an approaching extinction level event imagine, unimaginable since in particularly Nov/ thanksgiving 2017.
-Shown to be evidently pending were all revisited only minutes after Jan 12 2018 passed into it's 13th quoting Rev 17, one hour with beast, and only hours before someone targeted a type of Gog and Magog Administration in our midst, Pres Trump's Hawaii, just one US states of barbecue crying since 1998 terrorist are coming and they're bringing the fire, come first, an incoming missile strike now a disaster, domino Hawaii all around the world, nonstop, 99 bowls of molten lava. It was doing a conference with a perfect man Jesus, showing how such abominations had gotten you all riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, all while looking at a pending dangerous, perfect man.
-Soon a Memphis son cried out about down towns newspaper bells ringing, which for another as of Nov. 4th, 1975, Memphis son, newspapers, represent a paperboy bike route, Petro-handlebars of death tolls that reached into the heaven's ceiling, again, US soil extinction level. When as to distinguish between the two, soon a perfect man Jesus asked me would the blessed Angels apparently all around, in our midst, ascend with the Bride? Beware I also saw the same Jesus husband, revisited March and October 2018, who'd in 2015, delivered some from US states of barbecue instead into Georgia; he was now in y'all sick bed with y'all, that while you're yet sinners, Christ died for you, repent or perish!
-Beware still, the elephants of staying unaware stampeded the world into even now unprecedented quaking, breaking, erupting and inundating all they treasure above God.
Above His Anointed, early Dec 3-10, 2017, all the end come, with a just as rolling back as a scroll, Rev. 6, 6th seal, shattered crystal sky, threatening to also missile itself down upon doomed y'all. Thankfully unveiling the two Godzilla Monster maintaining crystal skies' deception, the sun shall darken, the moon will no longer give off it's light, all prophetic. Seemingly no manner great or small, disasters nuclear, natural, NEO’s of taking of sinful, rebellious, abominable lives, are barred. This doomed system Rev 10, Rev. 17, Jan. 26-29/2018, Seventh Angel, warn are plain run out of doomsday passovers, so all ELE desolaters come, this world is not your home and worst God's wine press, it's harvester bearing sickle, is presently targeting all those targeting His Anoint, flee their beginning all US soil, mass demolition to extinction, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Intrepid Dream Dec 24/25 2001, Unti 190 Months and 40 Days Be Fulfilled Nov 24/25/2017, This Shall Be The End, Now A 33rd Matrix

Prophetically On The Map 

     -Just last night, well this morning, I awaken from a dream whereas in the dream I was sitting in a church, it seem to be a Jimmy Swaggart, church when suddenly people became panic.  They became panic and started exiting the building, they were existing the building because of a bomb threat.  We’re no longer talking about deadly incidents in the away yonder where people are repeatedly dying in our stead but we’re talking about American soil.  05/25/2010

     -I looked into dreams whereas cities of America were making it like cities of Iraq.  I saw a Walmart under attack and in flames.  I witness people in complete panic, I even witness people taken hostage, my spouse was one of them. As so was there something about bomb threats. This is where I pulled from the sink where I was washing dishes a long length of hair that was to act as a measuring stick, like the horses bridle mention in Revelation, which is six feet long, 05/22/2010

Mene, Mene Tekel Upharsin                                                               03/31/2014
Revelation 6

     As one riding December 24/25/2001, in a brand new white trimmed in gold Intrepid automobile along a highway, one right through the middle of what was a wilderness on either side. Right through unto what was now this astonishing modernization and innovation when suddenly the driver side of the car door open and I tumbled from the car to my feet only to watch my car drive on without me.
     Looking up to see where I was, I found myself standing in front of a large worn building, a house reminding me of the place I grew up in. It wasn’t long before I was instead inside this building, where inside it looked more like a hospital, when just as soon two women approached me, took me to a weigh scale where I weighed in at 190 lbs then making this place weigh station
    Just as soon they started leading me away, out toward the back of the house, of course while all this was going on I was thinking where was I going and how would I leave without my car? It wasn't long before we arrived to the back portion of this house, arriving here was like arriving hundreds of years into the past, it was clear America was no more, but instead nations of the middle east began to reign great and true.
     As I said making my departing all I was thinking about was where was my car and how I would leave without it, when just as soon they began coming toward me with this towering, beige color horse. I remember thinking I didn’t know how to ride a horse, again it was giant, beige and it was infested with fleas. It wasn’t alone, just as soon I saw other horses come, only these horses, apart from the pale horse, they were actually men dressed up like horses of further judgment, each one arriving in a manner of time one after the other and the dream, the vision passed from me.   
God Has Numbered Thy Kingdom, Dan. 4, 5-12  
Revelation 11

     Mene, God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it, Mene, God has numbered (weighed, judged), thy kingdom and finished it, (ended it), Tekel, you are weighed in the balanced and are found wanting (lacking righteousness, guilty as charged), Upharsin, your kingdom shall fall to the Persians, (the nations of the middle east),190= 190 months, (Rev. 11 and 13) = 15.10 years, plus 40 days, Eze. 4, so 2001 + 15.10 years and 40 days = Nov 24/25th 2017. This weight of blood guilt judgment mean the decision to end America by Holy Lord's Wrath has already been decided, there’s just this matter of a little passage of time. Mankind, especially God's sanctuary overall purpose on this earth is to bring an end to sin, of course His name for all eternity to come is Jesus Christ the Lord, beware, Apb, The RAM

And This Is The End, Eze. 4-7
Revelation 1-22 books, open, 01/13/2018, now a 33rd Matrix Ten Day Countdown To Doomsday, November/December 24/25/2018

    -The Automobile, Intrepid as in come to the end of an Intrepid adventure, white is for the righteousness of the saints and gold, is as tried and purified in the fire, as gold. Since they're Christ blood redeemed, they're exempt from blood guilt, and is as prophesied simultaneously taken off planet, as surely as all Mystery Babylon, West Rule. Weigh station scale. Simply blood guilt, corruption sown, blood guilt, corruption reaped, this is possibly the hardest part of this judgment for Americans to understand not realizing the mountainous blood carnage upon which it stand.
     -Even doing Trump campaign they were calling for the spilling of more foreigners blood, crying Trump make America great again, not realizing said attempt, as Moses's Pharaoh curse. He and his would fall upon their own weighty blood guilt now called into judgment, a sentence quite nuclear, crying since Bush's error, Israel/Islam, 2002, Obama's error, Israel/ Islam 2013 and Trump error, Israel/Islam, 2017/18; again crying, said troubles is come upon US/Western soil, fifty million will die with ELE's presently moving US/Canada West/Northwest Pacific into it's targeted sight, get into God's designed as Noah, Moses day exodus or perish, your life, your soul's everlast.    

And When Lamb Had Opened The Seals

     -The Beige, Infested with fleas horse, when I first dreamed this dream, Dec. 24//25 2001, I knew this all referenced a pale horse judgment, I just didn't realize it referenced the pale judgment of Revelation, 6, set to take out a quarter of the earth's inhabitants, 15% US soil alone. Apparently began US, Western soil and began the moment, predicted, domino Hawaii, began to blow, May 4, 2018, so a 16th, Matrix, as to open Rev. 16, and the first you hear is, go, pour out your vials of wrath upon the inhabitants of the earth Only as to claim for a total since Bush's proposed war on the axis of evil, not realizing he, his included, fifty millions lives and since the horse of hades rides with death we're possibly referencing also to prophet Isaiah forewarning, that hell hath enlarged itself, unrepentant Americans, great and small, so many dying so speedily, could have their own assigned area. 
    -I can tell you something about my family, especially my own childrenso they can hide their eyes, cover their ears, bite off their tongues and break their knees all to avoid prophetic reveal, they elect that they ask me nothing and that I not call them or text them about anything horribly pending. Fret not, it's all just as God described to prophet Ezekiel and Jesus to inquiring disciples, who asked HIM, why he speak in riddles, ah parables/allegories. Though riddle me this, since the elephants of staying unaware stampeded this earth into a world of undeniable, indescribable quaking, eruption and inundating chaos; Howbeit, most concerning, only minutes before Trump's Dec.3-10,2017  declarations of Jerusalem and the US Embassy. 
    -Evenly so, God's wrath can't be denied, why you're virtually dodging these come all the more up close and in your face, tearing through your living rooms, to vacationing areas, NEW MARRIAGES, your pulpits, getting at your peace getting porches, tearing at, down, your CRYSTAL SKIES, there is no place to hide from such horrid reveal, even your MONEY MARKETS presently and just over the horizon are all infested with carnivore, bear beast. Unendingly, as the mark of the beast having itself slain millions to billions is imminent only months from now and scrolling on the news ticker, obsessively, none stop is this single, recognized, horrid itself word as, tribulation.  
     -Those nations of the middle east rise, I saw come right into power America's sudden Brexit, the Briexit, as I said, Syria is the stone made with rebellious men hands, that kingdoms, nations and people have been breaking themselves against for many millennia now the big satan and the little satan, God's targeted wrath as the days of old, come and come and come, in the word of their own Blessed Son repent or likeso perish! I easily predicted a Hussein whitehouse, doing Bush's 2003, because Rev. 11, describes, this is to happen to Israel's courtyard for a duration of 42 month exactly. I just didn't know Barack Hussein would come not only as a fulfillment of the ten headed beast having a wounded death head, Saddam Hussein, yet it lived, Barack Hussein.
    -Evidently proven to be prophetic, as the two beast of Rev. 13, one from land, one from sea, rose with him and went further into prediction, until the Dan. 12, man in linen allied by Angel Gabriel  timetable, again, the one Angel Gabriel 2004 referred to, saying all things is unto fulfillment, she's coming, going with a Seventh Angel (who appeared, Jan. 26-29, 2018, and now like all end time eschatology awaiting a matrix ten day count, finale, possibly Thanksgiving 2018); All of which also passes to Obama's until two weeks and seven years be fulfilled, I heard it announced in my hearing, just as Senator Hussein Obama come President/World leader. 
   -This is when 2016, I  witnessed Jesus Millennium descend into it's timetable finale and in 2018, I watched, as so did you, when a biblical territory directed blood moon marked this Man in Linen/incarnate Jesus' Cross/Barack Hussein timetable tenth anniversary, as from July 27 2008 to July 27, 2018, just another phenom verification I am their appointed Apostle/Prophet, blessed are the hearers and doers of Genesis through revelation reveal, for the time is at hand said the visiting January 26-29, 2018, Rev. 10 and Rev. 17/18, Seventh Angel, again saying no further delays US soil, deoslations predicted come, and like as those stampeding elephants from the abomination that maketh lives, lands, churches, crystal skies and money markets. Just how many of you have seen the adaption of my 30 years of speaking online in parables, the 2009, 2012 movie, mixed in with the movie, 'The Road," 
    -All these 30 plus springs giving you an up and close surreal look at what to except, is as predicted, all these times tables, even the backward running clock, the sixth year under the 1996 death rider, presently ticking toward a world of cataclysms, an award of a Rev. 2, whore Jezebel judgment and suffering Church Smyrna ultimatum, that they STAND; now a Noah's cousin of outbreaking extinction levels events, nuclear, natural and NEO's, coming non-stop to all US and West Rule municipalities near you, actually that are you, ALL, nothing presidential to peasant, western civilization this planet will stand, nothings dare can God's Noah's day wrath, God has planned these many millennia into this very second, it is exodus, God will only as the days of old, only bless exodus, that's southeast or skyward.
     -Get with his plan or perish, even your soul's everlast, God's winepress with a pale horse judgment taking up the rear will claim a quarter of the earth, that's tens of millions of you procrastinating Americans, whereas this Islamic reign that Prophet Daniel witnessed a little horn, an Antichrist rise from will as well claim a quarter of the earth, you're looking at tens of millions dead US/Western soil, a third Israel's soil and two quarters this earth, explaining, doing the little Miya girl of translation, 2017, the toll bridge for crossing over into a new era/error, cost exactly two quarters.

This is your Briexit/Brexit/Blexit, Get Jesus, Escape,
Ezekiel 4/5 Daniel 2/4-5
       -While American and Beloved Trump Dreaming, you guys just so you know, predicted ELE's for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2018, the Yellowstone Caldera, predicted, Apostle John's 93. Apostle I am,1996, revisited Jan 2018 by a forewarning, of the Midwest, Revelations Seventh Angel, it is that ELE's pending US soil, when Hawaii instead went up, Yellowstone super eruption, mrmbb333 findings, asking do they know something about Yellowstone? A pending Yellowstone eruption, this world ender has just been upgraded to an unprecedented status, with dutchsinse, 10/17/2018 finding alike plumes seeping around two other US soil, super eruptions, California and New Mexico; all while I revisited, by dreams, a 31st matrix count, Oct. 15/15//2017, as of the 11th matrix, count, March 13, 2018, the invitation dream, that's from US states of barbecue instead into a stampede, as into Georgia/Africa.
     -I warn an acquaintance a couple years back to come out of both, that nothing would be left but fire, flood and dust treasures, yeap been seeing this since Dec. 2001, actually the death bringer from beneath the earth, like a volcanic caldera, eruption since 1996, with Jesus live appearing, spring, 1986, demonstrating rapture, So all this time knowing, that's what I told her, told my Memphis, thousands in family members as well, warned of it's New Madrid, seem they too, all want a Hawaii missile alert experience, of a sent off, have y'all screen the terror they and their families suffered, just prior to cancellations. Only this time extinction come, it can't be downgraded or covered up or disguised as a mistake, God don't make mistakes, ever, Noah's Flood, like Noah's cousin presently wasn't, isn't a mistake. simply, the genesis man/marriage, the first Adam as to purpose after Christ's Cross, wouldn't have survived it. As in it would've went extinct, all does, even us right now, when, if, there's no divine intervention, as Adam's Eve, Noah's Ark, Christ's Cross and Christ's timely, pending, Millennium Reign.
     -No, your governmental leaders to protect their political, to monetary to military standing, they can't stampede you and when they stand before God, yes they'll be filled with excuses, but you and yours will still be dead. Since you're American, convinced being American is godly, even Israeli blessed, still, chances are, you're in hell, can't get out, this is why God promised you signs and wonders that can't be denied. For example, some enraged enemy launched a missile at Hawaii, just screen your nations actions this soil, foreign soil, that followed, they covered it up.This is when God erupted predicted 2015/16/Hawaii, and every seismic to tectonic plate the predicted 2015/16 Ring of fire and North American Craton, since. That there's to then be something so cataclysmic foreboding they couldn't cover up or explain into non existence, except it's an elite to alien invasion, into these false flags of denial, you all call them. Indefinitely, o happy day for satan, demons and ancient beast reign, ah and the elite depopulation plans, just as to easily leave you America Dreamers, misinformed by your own ceaseless denial. 
     -These end time troubles come is why Jesus, Mat. 24, suggested when you shall see them as plain and clear as the hand writing in white on blacken Israel's Wailing Wall to Trump's damned Border Walls where you guys need bridges. Plainly, you should flee, and like forewarn of Lot's wife you don't look back, nor come back, this is your American exodus, your Briexit to Brexit, Further meaning, another gone with the wind treasure, the proverbial, encouraged Blexit isn't political at all, just as the Bride's exit, the exit of west rule this planet, come is it's prophetical these 30 plus springs, American into Africa exodus, thus their, your prophetic, Blexit, get Jesus and get out of all West Rule territories this planet, commanded reapers to the harvester thrusting in sickle for reaping martyred blood have and is and will continually target you until it is that Jesus Millennium Reign! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see entire made aware here, that yours is blessed exodus assuredly as Jesus' Cross is an offer of blessed death, again see here,

Prophecy Link

A Voice Declaring:  “Five more disasters, a horrible end to all things on the map 06/14/2013, as I woke in my bed, I heard this, thinking, like the ten plagues of Egypt, the end days into church Smyrna more the tribulations, right into the Dec 24/25/2001-Nov. 24/25, 2017, until each tenth day be fulfilled, pending is greater the tribulation, until doomsday itself and Mystery Babylon, America/West Rule, no longer serve as a super power, nor a power of many sort, like the Bride it is simply no more this planet

Now Occupied Territory, America

     I was standing over my stove, I was cooking when suddenly the Holy Spirit began speaking to me, how soon we, the church bride could be in heaven looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them.  03/17/2011

     That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluckAmbers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM), see here,

For Salvation Pray:

     I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening to: Selah: You Raise Me Up  

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

Monday, October 29, 2018

We Are The People Of The Cross, Jesus! We Will Be Faithful Til You Meet Us, Give Us Your Courage That We Finish! We Want To Hear Well Done!

-Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven  Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide, I suggest You Use Your Said To Be Broken Knees 

All Fulfillment Come, 

    -It Is Hard For thee To kick Against The Pricks An Eze.4- 7, Dan. 2.4-5, Mat. 24, Rev 10-18, End Hath Come, The Cashless Society as in the mark of beast predicted 2005, to kill millions going broke. This come, World, earth ender, has been on the horizon since the unveiling of God's Revelations, as from Prophet Daniel, 534 BC; two thousand, five hundred years now, as forewarn Angel Gabriel, 2004, AD, only now come. Just the other night, I saw bear beast grazing on the horizon, while the word tribulation was scrolling non stop along the news ticker, deeming Trump as all others a man of prediction. Only one who can change said damning legacy by stampeding Americans along the truth of divine reveal, God' Noah's day wrath, is targeting all West Rule this planet, his, yours, theirs, all. 
     -Beginning you all with the predicted 2015/16, now unprecedented Pacific Ring of Fire and Disaster Hawaii. just these nearing ELE's having a nearly ten month start over America's from it's Us West/Canada Northwest coast, when Hawaii shall begin to blow, this shall be the end. That's into exodus, meetings in Georgia into Africa or meetings in heaven's clouds into, with Jesus, it's not Aliens, it's Jesus coming seven years from now, as he predicted to religious leaders, with the stars of heaven, decide not America's doomed fate but your endangered soul, fate! Jesus Mark or the mark of the beast? Decide, Beware, Apb 

Pope Saying Save Their, Our Mother Church

     -Thank God Geoffrey, our Mother church, made without hands, is the New Jerusalem, I still say, as I said from the beginning, is what all are calling Planet X/Nibiru, that this phenom is what Apostle John saw, replacing all of this doomed world at present; while anyway, not 
their apostate to abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, here is our blessed Mother Tabernacle for all eternity descending down, ridding us of the Mystery Babylon mess their relentless turf wars has spawn and webbed the world; descending down, as a new heaven, a new earth, as again a New Jerusalem, adorn as a bride for her groom, come on all saints of the most high God, say it with me, Hallelujah, Amen! Beware, Apb,

OFFER/AWFUL/OFFER! Escape Either To Father Heaven Or Mother Earth, Africa, Beware! Apb

  The Little Miya Girl Of Translation,

Listening To, Brain Nhira, to Death Do Us Part,

The Error/Era Of Meeting Migrants To Asylum seekers With Trump's, US Military, Beware, Apb

     -If you all take note, 2018, the little Miya girl of translation, it's that Silverton was translated out of an ELE, Yellowstone only to wake up stranded aside the road, no driver, 1000's of miles away into El Salvador somewhere, without a scratch on him and ah yeah, oddly still, there's a little Miya girl in the back seat of the now stranded car. Then much to his detriment his unbeknownst to him future wife, Torrance Allegra is telling him he, even they can't stay, an Aqua Juttah (mega transforming, submersible Carnivals, ship on and beneath water, 1986-2016/17/18, for getting all to come, to New Africa), is on it's way; it's still North America, and it, like all West Rule this planet, is all by God's Noah's day wrath, being targeted, none stop, cataclysmically so, and that's for deletion. 

    -I simply walked out to the mailbox, saw this huge white envelope, smiled and come glad, I knew it was my voice of the martyrs newsletter, written on it first thing was a European Father of two teens, carrying Christ to a foreign land, here saying, you gonna die, why not die for Christ? I admit I nearly danced a jig, truth is, somewhere in our blood lineage, dating back to Adam we all have a migrate story. Even Jesus crying like these desperadoes, the fox have holes, the fowls have nest, but the son of man hath not a place to lay his head. When we're Christ, daily we suffer the consequences to circumstances of our blessed charities, then we clear out space our hearts, minds, lives, lands and churches, firstly our divine altars/prayer closets. 

      -Not only because we're our brothers keeper and our neighbors, our humankind beloved. Who know when we rightly divide charity and entertain the stranger we're not being tried by God and Angels? So probably a month or so later, the father's words, my joy, would be their dying lament, journeyed for Christ into Muslim land, attacked he and his teen girl, son, they all martyred by now. As in they'd all ascended, now with Jesus, while Dr./surgeon mom was doing charity work at the local hospital. It's said, the space burn up until it reached the area where their slain, temporal houses laid, flames just stopped, paid their own respects. 

     -He that save this life shall lose it, you are dying period, next stop your heart, will choice, hell or heaven? He that lose this life, this imaginary thing, wake you from your dreaming. Only holy sacrifices made for Christ are blessed, who, why, what are you doing to profiting for? Temporal treasures great breast are chomping, stomping and tearing, even your pulpits, porches and crystal skies, all their/there money markets. Or by Christ Jesus' Cross, is God your shepherd, Holy Spirits/Angels your intravenous salvation and Jesus blood your blessed, heart treasures? All stored up in heaven, ascended, loved ones, all, awaiting your return.

     -Say for future generations I ask, even this doomed at present world, very stolen moment which example do we set; tear our hearts out for them; or classic American Dreaming, tear their hearts out for our ungodly selves? God, the Mountain, the Sunlight God's Throne, all crying let my people go, Psalm 139/Rev 18, are watching, He said it. He's recording, taking notes, all, He has from the foundation of this little Miya Girl, to Matrix ten day countdown, post apocalyptic, world. So when Elohim first set the Adam, the Genesis Marriage on it's migrating to intrepid adventure, as surely as Revelation is written, these many millennial, Psalm, Proverbs, THE GOSPEL, Apostles epistles, love letters all, all loan to us, all just to say, this doomed world is not your home, Jesus is, JESUS IS! Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

The Exous Of America,1986-2016/17/18, It's Raining Snakes,

Invasion Of War Or Peace On Earth? 


Sunday, October 28, 2018

-Seen to be seeing 2015/16, fuel canisters all set in a circle, seen to seeing they're one at a time set to ablaze, seeing to be seeing, 2015/16, the Pacific Ring of fire is come, more and more volatile.
-Hearing in my ear, 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava, seeing a woman carrying, Rev. 16 & 17, black bowls along this ginormous maze of a millions man visited single water cooler.
-It's only hours before the disaster Hawaii scare, 01/13/2018, seen to be looking at my Memphis son, he seem to be saying momma, your worrying after me, got the downtown newspaper bells, ringing (an outbreak of earthquake has the earth's bells ringing, said seismologist, days later),

Largest Earthquake In Years

     -As doing a dream 01/13/2018 only minutes before the predicted, domino Hawaii, incoming missiles scare, couldn't we just say, this predicted multi-nuclear Pacific ring of fire climate that all such earthquakes and volcanoes along the seismic to tectonic tracks are all placed on the edge to produce disasters, to mega disasters to extinction level events making the entire North America continent, just as dangerous and pending to be more volatile, deadly as Indonesia and the only calm US, soil has enjoyed during the most unpresented for millennia of it's kind of activity is leaning on Rev. 7, divine intervention, as the those four winds being held back, until, what?
     -I did witnessed June 26/27, 2015, that it was as the days of Lot and family, a Jesus husband deliver loved ones from as far away as all US states of barbecue at least a thousand miles or more away, into Georgia, from the predicted 2001 to go off the map and burn inland from there into the eastern seaboard, the US West/Northwest Canada, all now an end time timetable dating from Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov 24/25/2017, into a Rev. 10, and 17/18, matrix ten day countdown award, now it's 33rd with both timetables, 2001, and 2017, looking to finale presently into Nov. to Dec. 24/25, 2018, according to a Matrix 31, 09/15/16/2018, the no 7, and Dan 4;4, then King of king Babylon, now king of Kings Mystery Babylon, America, a no longer pending  a Briexit to Brexit, all this planet, until 7 Daniel/Antichrist years past over, as into Jesus millennium reign, this doomed world/planet system is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out!   

A category 5 hurricane wiped an entire Hawaiian island off the map as I witnessed 2001, happen to California, to Canada and their alone, 60 plus millions, beware, escape!

Heads Up The Cascadia Zone

Prophecy Links

    -And Prophet Ezekiel saw, Eze. 9; released, 6 slayers and an ink horn man, and Apostle I am heard, 2017,  kill all parents by, finish all schools, and Prophet Ezekiel heard, begin at my sanctuary, and Apostle I am saw, Eze. 5, commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes stabbing at the heart of stampeders instantly judging to ascending them, beware, Apb

  -Spectre of nuclear war looms over UK and we'd be hit first - shadow minister's dire warning,  rticlle, (West Civilizatiion clear and Present Danger, One Error/Era, A New Fear Factpr, 1974-2016/17/18,Now The Brexit, Truexit, Briexit, beware, Apb


Magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes off the coast of Canada

Suddenly Gone Off Planet Earth

   -I watched this all happen to California 2001, and stampede the world by a type of dream, like a Christmas Carol imager, a fly over the country's calamity.  Heard Canada be commanded to wiped off the map 2005, you're talking what? Five years after God come to me 1996, like He'd come to Father Abraham about sin cities, territories, Sodom and Gomorrah. That's 10.years after he explained he would destroy in cities, US States of barbecue, America. What's happening now is no different than what happen then, the days of old. God coming after evildoers targeting his people and they being so thick as thieves and in sin, sickbeds with them you can hardly tell the difference, only the Lamb's book open 2015, can, well, did, the Saints are marked.
-This is all proven when it's explained to Apostle John the downing of the identical world system called Mystery Babylon, God is right there saying their sins (America's weight of whoredom and blood guilt alone), have reached up to Him, he's about to judge them, even double, now he need you, us to come out of the way of their demolition planet earth. This is not man getting God, even the traps they lay is their own detriment. As usual this is God getting at wicked man, instead laying a siege for them for as long as I been ministering, prophesying these 30 plus springs, and biblical eschatology as far back as three millennia.
-Forewarning right until the 2012  movie is only an adaptation of my 30 plus years online work of portraying America and the world's end by book characters and parables all aligned to what I been told and demonstrated upon. Until so far, from Russia's Chernobyl, Japan's Fukushima, Bush wars, Hussein Obama's Pres rising with beast; Col Gaddafi New Africa, OFFER, Trump, grieving God's heart as a Gog and Magog, his war on the migrants alone, they too a fulfillment, the world, a babel in exodus. Just as of an outbreak of disasters, only now with ELES pending stampeding America as well into Africa, as I've written, by Mega, submersible ship on and below great oceans of waters, even dodging NEO'S raining down from above.
-I can still hear myself waking from sleep, chanting, we will build an Ark, hearing, five more disasters; hearing Oct 2017, 10. 2 earthquake, then hearing, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada, all, written and shared online these 30 plus springs, then now; All come to past with those latest large Cascadia quakes pt. 2, of the prelude that began the deletion of West Rule, this planet. Revisited and predicted 2015/16, domino a come multi nuclear Pacific ring of fire and predicted 2015/16 disaster domino Hawaii where the 1st prelude to this end now come. You think this is something, proof our God who is for us is come for, them, pray they too repent.
-You should hear the report about Typhoon YUTU, (avenging youtubers, Apb) whereas, as predicted, this guy point out something similar as a CAT 5 has happened to territory US. Islands the last 12 or so months. When I heard about the one that just wiped an Hawaiian Island off the map, I said Oh God, that's what I saw happen to California, only 39 million strong and heard command of Canada, they have 36 Million. All the while 2005, I also heard it command that Britain and America be separated into itty, bitty pieces, so now we're talking hundreds of millions of people, even a billion.
-Plus we just learn America is sitting on not one but three Super Volcanoes, again, the US West Pacific, territory. That's not even counting that Hawaii whose yet pending is the largest volcano in the world, so who has set up whom? it's been 30 plus years of seeing this extinction of westernized civilization and by book characters,, sharing, but for the last 17 years, Dec. 24/25, 2001-Nov. 24/25/2017/18, now a 33 Rev. 2, Matrix, 2, countdown, ( Dec. 15, 2017, Trump, a prelude to Gog and Magog misery and Abbas, the pending ten heads getting at at it, all while he elephants of staying unaware are stampeding). Still since, Dec. 2001 we been warn her weight of blood guilt judgement is come, get out, I witnessed like as upon a Lot and family some taken southeast, into Georgia and on into Africa just before the Godly are taken skyward.
-As of Rev. 10 and 17/18, 7th Angel Jan. 2018, so for nearly a year still, into the Congressman trainwreck explained, no further delays. A blessedness revisited a couple weeks past as I heard, Matrix 10, as Rev. 10, as in the warning, there is time no longer, fully understand this mean ELE'S to exodus for now, Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2018. Then Christ's Cross produced world powers, the Bride and West Rule, are cataclysmically no more this planet, that's until 7 Daniel years, Antichrist rule past into Jesus reign. The recent granting of Matrix 31, of Dan. 4:4, only then king of kings Babylon and king of kings Mystery Babylon now, is Mystery Babylon West Rule imminent fall revisited, got Him, got Jesus yet? Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Article, Spectre of nuclear war looms over UK and we'd be hit first - shadow minister's dire warning Labour's Fabian Hamilton spoke

-Doing America's Commanded Moses Day Exodus, When The Sunlight, From Behind A Mountain God's Throne Spoke To king of kings Mystery Babylon, Western Rule, America, Again As Moses Day Says, Let My People Go Into Exodus, And May Elohim God, As The Days Of His Servant Abraham, Bless It,

Prophecy Links

Seem to be seeing, Pres. Trump's 06/13/2018, in black, bold, lowercase, letters, the single word error
seen to be hearing in my ear, Pres. Bush 2003, one error, to a new fear factor, and
-Watchman, what of the night, of coming face to face with Apostle John witnessed of the seventh angel, Rev. 10 and Rev 17/18, only as Apostle John witnessed of the mighty angel, the seventh angel Rev. 10, having one feet upon the sea and one feet upon the earth. All so inconceivable, but what's mighty noticeable is the stammering of his feet, even his being, with an urgency indescribable, that there is time no longer, that there are no further these delays, for three nights of it, Jan 26 -29, 2018, ten days as of the revisit of the predicted, 2015, disaster Hawaii, right into the congressman train wreck, still all he's saying is, no further delay, as in no more doomsday Passovers, US soil.
-There is only beware the Midwest, beware the eastern seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific. That of knowing, this was the Brides escape, Angel 2004 said, she would come, go with a seventh angel. Instead is again come, an act of divine intervention, explaining seeing her, the millions visited single watercooler, bearing in her hands, the bowls of Rev. 17, seventh angel, only now black and scorched as they'd been in the fire, but what was she bearing in her upper, right hand pocket, but business cards for better homeless shelters? Beware, Repent, Escape, and may God bless it, Apb, see here,

Article, Spectre of nuclear war looms over UK and we'd be hit first - shadow minister's dire warning
Labour's Fabian Hamilton spoke days after US president Donald Trump threatened to pull out of a treaty eliminating some nuclear missile
     One Error, A New Fear Factor, The Ejected Driver, Nearly Two Decade Later It's Crashed Driverless STranded Along The Side Of The Road, Soon Come To A Crossbridge, For A Toll Of Two Quarters 15% US Soil, Two Thirds US Israeli Soil, With Gog and Magog Dead Taking Seven Months To Be Buried, Got Him, Got Jesus Yet?  
-Whoever doesn't know realize we're nearing ww3 to a nuclear war need not worry they're on another planet, fingers crossed still. The INF Treaty signed in 1987, thats the year of the most theral demo of rapture until 2015, the Jesus Husband escaping some ti Georgia before taking the Bride skyward, daid demo has been visited twice since, actually three times, right before the predicted Hawaii incoming missile scare, 01/13/2018; right before California, again began to combust, 03/3-13/2018; and as lately as October 15-16/2018, when it appear as though every made active From Hawaii yet pending it mightiest to all other Volcanoes to Super Eruptions its US West, Coast, without even mentioning it's mountainous earthquake activity paused as well along a 9 to 10 size quake,
If your question is with such seismic to tectonic Godzilla Monsters as this striking all other territories this planet, with Africa the exception, what's the hold up US soil? I think it's the unforeseen death tolls pending, with California and Canada alone each seen either gone off the planet, or commanded ti be wiped off the map each having 30 plus million in population, again that's each, that's not just a country that’s a world of a death toll, with some 11 million more nestled along Yellowstone caldera, with three hundred million plus aling what's being called US States of barbecue in all.

-This Is Your God Speaking, An End Hath Come, The Grand Offer Is This Get To Georgia/Africa Or Jesus/Heaven, No Further Delays, Come Out Of Them MY PEOPLE! Thus saith God, Mat. 24/Rev. 18, Beware, Apb Prophecy Links And I heard 2016 US elections chant, Trump Make America Great, and I Heard Heaven Cry Back, Yours Is A Nuclear Fate, With Russia Reminding It's Nuclear Speed, see from Christmas 2001, the speed of doomsday now come, here,

-Now Monster Storm, Typhoon YUTU, This Has Happen to Every US Territory, Island; Your Briexit To Brexit, Decide, see its MrMBB333 findings     -Let's just say if it's true, the elite is trying to destroy America, Americans and get out of multi trillions in debt, but unknowingly into this mark of the beast, a financial reset, of an upset. Then believe Apostle I am they're doing it simply by keeping you misinformed as of the promised to predicted end time signs and wonders, come a battle to reveal, all its own. Jon ex army was on this trail of reveal, so was AMTV Chris, Lisa Haven on, then off, then on again, lately she's on, there's seesaw ALEX JONES, with a questionnaire Anon, etc. So each now, these scavenging to avenging into the biblucal truth, only something political, monetary to alien got a hold, cast them off track like colored fall leaves. Those either weighed down by an aqua era; burning up by the 99 bowls of molten lava; or there's the blowing in the wind of more the mightier hurricane Michaels. All of which, these monster Cat 5’s a MrMBB333 pointed out have all these last 12 months impacted Islands of US territory,. As in just as I prophesied 2011, no safe havens to be found any US to Western Rule municipalities this planet. Simply the tearing down of crystal skies by beast of beauty NEO'S to Mary Greeley's reveals, Yellowstone Caldera's. That's to bring better revelations it's two crystallized Godzilla Monsters type deceivers, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, this world is not our home, indeed; but for whose benefit is such an enormous YUTU unveiling? What shall it profit a man to dream an American dream and lose his soul, or what would a man give in exchange for his soul?  Satan offered Jesus this damned world system, now Mystery Babylon only if he forfeit your immortal souls. Meaning the primary knowing, you're not mortals trying to live immortal lives, your immortals cursed to live moral lives until you work or aged your temporal house/earth into a grave of ashes, shoot and dirt. Whereas God's word from the Genesis has been your royal compus for HIS ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, forgetting what's behind, what's passed, gone, instead pressing toward the mark of the prize, of the high calling of God that's in Christ Jesus the Lord. Only now 1-22 Revelation books open while in a Rev. 2, 33 Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday. Come as as imminent as right now into Thanksgiving to Christmas 2018, an offer of business cards for better homeless shelters. Truly unless another passover is awarded, with a Jan. 2018 Rev. 10 and 17 seventh Angel crying three days into the Congressman trainwreck, no further delays! This doomed world is not your home, Jesus Is, Jesus Is! Get Jesus, Escape, Apb, The RAM

-Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide
   -Meaning the primary knowing you're not mortals trying to live immortal lives, your immortals cursed to live moral lives until you work or aged your temporal house/earth into a grave of ashes, shoot and dirt. Whereas God's word from the Genesis has been your royal campus for HIS ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, forgetting what's behind, what's passed, gone, instead pressing toward the mark of the prize, of the high calling of God that's in Christ Jesus the Lord. Still, you  have your reveal to instruction, when king of kings America/ West Rule, probably by this approaching 2018 thanksgiving to Christmas is suddenly, cataclysmically no more a superpower this this world around it, and you hear that the tens of millions of the recorded godly this planet are missing, surely as Jesus said, mat. 24, and you begin to see the abomination that maketh all pending holiness this planet desolate, sitting in the holy place, as in ruling in the new Jerusalem temple, like he alone is god, and let apostle I am tell you, when this wicked above all wickedness happens and assuredly as all things prophetic happens, it will happen, hundred of millions of people, perhaps even billions of them will suddenly come aware, they will abruptly realize, no, he is not god, because God alone is God and Jesus is God's designed Savior, this entire world only and he will send out his armies after them, and for 42 months exactly many now numbering the tribulation saints will fall to him, but we're talking their damn lives, not their blessed souls, so we're equally saying, tribulation saints are given to him, for their ascension up God's throne.
whereas Apostle John, while visiting there, laid witnessed to them pouring into holy heaven, a number so vast, as of every kingdom, nation, tongue, tribe and it's people this planet, having washed their robes and made them white by the blood of the lamb and they stood along his throne with him, behold Jesus stand at the door and knock, the spirit and bride sayeth come. Yet presently on earth, there have been designed safe havens this demonic horde can't and won't penetrate, for Israel, even Islam it's Jordan's Petra, whereas I've witnessed these 30 plus springs and prophesied by book characters, America's is an exodus as surely as the Brides is an exit, I witnessed further a Jesus husband in my dream, escape loved ones into Georgia, as to get further southeast into Africa, before taking the bride skyward, a divine act of intervention revisited, yes, clearly escapes into Georgia/Africa, again revisited a 11th matrix/Rev. 11, (2003, a Hussein will take Whitehouse/world reign), 03/13/2018, and again, a 31 matrix, with a Matrix 10, Rev. 10 stirred in, meaning the warning, there is time no longer. You may ask, well, will, Mega, Transforming ships, submersible come for you; Juttah Aqua's I call them, as portrayed my 30 year plus work, and adapted to the 2009, 2012, movie, will they come? I can't tell you that, I can only tell you, an army of righteous angels that has warred for, on mankind's behalf these many millennia, are right now, presently awaiting you these territories, while Ezekiel nine type reapers, bearing sword like syringes are using various disasters for stampeding you, along a car apocalypse, that you stand clear of the extinction level events, set into motion the predicted, disaster domino Hawaii, for when it shall begin to blow, for which it already has, May 4, a 16th, Matrix, Rev. 16, (the beginning of the vials, the bowls of wrath) this shall be the end, meaning this world is being made uninhabitable, as a hell on earth, thus the woman see also carrying this bowls, only now blacken, while in her upper right hand pocket are an OFFER instead, of business cards for better homeless shelters. I can also tell you, every part of this work, this now prophetic revelation of this world come a Moses day exodus, beginning the US West Pacific, has come to past, until right now I just learned, because of a 400 year old ritual, mankind's mother Africa as to ally It's Creator, God, the Christians Heavenly Father, is advertising a return, with Ghana Africa being at least one of them, the African nation my Memphis niece, our 2012,  my book characters, exodus 1996, but their it's none Mayan 2012, again Ghana Africa, my Memphis niece married into, is making this OFFER more personal by again OFFERING easy visas to entry. This blessed OFFER mean, when I by a dream, only weeks prior, witnessed a huge enough to block out the sky, In bold, italicized, floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, thIS single word OFFER/Awful, as in mansions in heaven Or The Mark of the Beast, it was as well referencing this unspeakable African OFFER, God as Jesus suggestion, Noah's Ark, as Abraham's Lot and Moses exodus has only designed escape, God, as days of old, of fulfilling Daniel's seventieth week and this world thrown in continuous ELE.s, remember God as the das of old, has only designed escape, again southeast or skyward, Decide, beware, Apb, The Rising, Above Ministry, (RAM

Choosing not yo forfeit but To instead save souls, he went to the cross, every moment you're not in exodus southeast into Georgia/Africa or into Jesus/Heaven you're not only forfeiting your soul, but you grieve the Cross, it's resurrection and ascension and millennium, truly who hath bewitched you?

multimillion death by a natural event would be a sweet award in collateral damage and simply by an act of misinformation, but the congressman trainwreck, 10 Matrix days past the Hawaii missile scare, even the Matrix countdown and stampeding his into exodus as out of the way of their judgement is God way of Telling Them, even informing yiu yes, he indeed see them and has I know since this 1987, INE treaty laid a seize upon them, one day since A Cameron was mention doing the escape to either Georgia or heaven demo, they now call a Brexit and I call a Briexit seeing ELE'S since them bith off planet, simultaneously

Article, 72 Hour Warning- What Will Happen When Planet X Nibiru Arrives Prophecy Links -Seen to be seeing, 09/15/16/2018, the number 7, and a voice in my hearing, Dan, 4:4 then king of kings Babylon, now, king of kings, Mystery Babylon, West Rule/America, until the seven years of Dan. 9, 70th weeks of years passes over them, West Rule will no longer serve as a world power to abominable empire this planet. Will the Angels ascend with the Bride? Asked the perfect man Jesus, Jan. 13-16/2018, in the presence of an identical looking perfect, dangerous man; no further delays US soil, said Rev. 10/Rev. 17 visiting Seventh Angel Jan. 26-29th 2018, so ten Matrix days later, no more doomsday passovers, escape, and may God bless your Noah to Moses day exodus southeast into Africa or skyward, Jesus, beware, Apb -And I heard In My Hearing, Bush's 2002, Obama's 2013 and Pres. Trump, inauguration, 2017/18, fifty million will die US/Western soil, not including a predicted two thirds dead Israeli soil, and a predicted two quarters dead this entre planet, beware, Apb (Rev. 6, 6th seal, Rev, Seventh Angel, 01/26-29th 2018, on a 6th Matrix, 666) Part Seven, People Asking, Why The Worst Of The Worst Just Keep Happening? The Churchians verses the Christians -Watchman, what of the night of seeing entire families climbing up to God by these perilous footbridges, catwalks, tightropes and endless dare deviling, right up to God, right into His Throne. So much so like stealing, killing, destroying and whoring right into God's Throne is ever possible. -Still they all begin to hear so crystally, the heavenly voice of Elohim, " and I will wipe away all tears from your eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be anymore pain; for the former things have passed away. -Only having thieved their way into heaven, the entire family of them, just as you witnessed the crystallized sky fall and rainbow, down upon them all, ALL! These knowing, crystallized families come crashing down, fumbling, stumbling and banging right to their deaths; then after this nondescript horror, comes judgement, watchman, you really think even after many millennia of forewarning, they know even this? Beware, Apb

Friday, October 26, 2018

A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide

Famine In America

This Has Happen to Every US Territory, Island Your Briexit To Brexit, Decide


-Remember, Apostle, Prophet I am, explained none of North America, Central To South, the Caribbean, none of Britain, Canada nor West Rule, its municipalities this planet would be safe, it's all being targeted this Dec. 24/25/2001 weight of blood guilt. Right now as the days of old, Noah. Moses, Abraham's Lot, God has only designed escape to exodus, Georgia into Africa, or Jesus into Heaven, these are the only Briexit to Brexit He Will bless, and count said faith to obedience, as righteousness. Lest I forget or we forget, doing the June 26/27, 2015, Jesus husband like snatching loved ones up, out, like a Lot and Family, but out of my home town, Memphis, New Madrid, even the Obama's Dunlap Street.
-Instead, taking them as to deliver them, to Georgia before taking the Bride skyward; just before such the Brides' ETE, while looking at a grand Caden who was by marriage a cousin Cameron as well, we were told, "there's something about Cameron." I just learned lately, it was exactly ten days later, now July 6, 2015, Cameron, Putin and Assad were breaking News, with the predicted Brexit being signed into law, that Feb 22, 2016. I explained and again, I only just learn this as well, that date is my Jesus husband in my dreams these 30 plus spring, Feb. 22, 2012, is the day of his death to ascension, all now the Briexit to Brexit any d day you're possibly getting ELE's for Thanksgiving and Christmas, these two world powers, simultaneous, cataclysmic exit to exodus from planet earth,
-Time I heard you say, this hurricane wiped out an entire island, I witnessed by a dream 2001, California be wiped off the map and heard it commanded 2005, that Canada be wiped off the map. Hearing this time 2017, both 10.2, earthquake, and I quote, as a news report, I heard, "major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada; those two areas that suffered only days past three back to back 6 + earthquakes. Riddle me this, the most unprecedented for millennia seismic to tectonic displacement along the predicted 2015/16 West Pacific Plate and Predicted, disaster domino Hawaii. Again why it is American's are being told, Yellowstone, caldera, even see, Rev. 6. 6th, seal, plus see my 1996, death bringer from beneath the earth, ad predicted 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava, why is said that it can't like too many to count volcanoes right now, as Hawaii, just begin to erupt; or is it because so many of those tens of millions, just duck sitting, minds to hearts, to fingers are crossed? beware, Apb, The RAM


     -Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven  Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide

     -I'm reminded doing dutchsinse March plumes video, and yet another, this October, and my having dreams to revisited dreams about sending out invitations to US States of barbecue that they instead get into Georgia. The territory of Georgia, the Jesus Husband, 2015, like as to take a Lot and family, escape some as far away from these pending to combust areas as far as Georgia, before taking the Bride skyward, and warning about pending ELE's. I just remembered, these plumes to my invitations were both right before California again caught fire, and you guys it rained in Georgia, for days, as California 2018 burn. I even remember heard dutchsinse, now watching live these unprecedented he descried, plumes of toxic smoke suggest it's victims go further southeast for some relief.
     -My primary, point, if the nation is burning up, and dutchsinse last plumes videos is evidence such as time as predicted these 17 years, so now come, what part of the country would you rather, the part drenched with rain and flood waters, right? Look the predicted 2015/16 disaster, domino Hawaii, reached Mid south, Memphis Tennessee, with it's eruption, first that's thousands of miles inland, that's an incalculable amount of limits  seismic zones to tectonic plates, including not just one but three super volcanoes, at least two of areas dutchsinse witnessed pluming to steaming, as so ten or more Volcano craters, some millions of years old, now, pluming as well. Though if you as a Seismologist to Volcanologist, don't forget, predicted 2015/16, it was as to see these fuel canisters all set in a circle and one by one as these laid dormant volcano plates set all ablaze, if you yet marvel, see what they call a Pacific Ring of Fire;
     -If disaster Hawaii, the one the morning of it's missile scare, only hours prior, seeing a perfect, dangerous man pending the perfect man Jesus asked, would angels ascend with the Bride? Always these 30 plus spring of prophetic ministry the subject, when She's in imminent danger and on the verge of being taken out; there's no way a single Hawaii eruption, housing the largest earthquake this world, is to be the extinction level event that washes away California coastline, wipe out Northwest Canada, and again spread inward the entirety of the nation like a flaming supernova unless it's to itself, carry on like an extinction level event and is therefore as dutchsinse predicts  yet pending.
     -Apostle I am don't know if you guys read behind my book characters, I can only tell you, these young, Genesis, marriage worshippers are for thirty years now prophetic, see an Africa born, world leader, a US States of Africa, A US exodus, just as Africa's 400 year anniversary call to offer,  that it's stolen, raped, imprisoned and enslaved tribes, return, again all prophesied. I explained how doing the Spring, 1986, demonstration of rapture, and Jesus to look upon was God, I refereed to Him as Father, and I couldn't figure it, not for years. That it was through them, these prophetic parables, characters, the reveal, the reminder come,  Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, it's why when disciples, inquired of Him of God's appearance He explained, when they see Him, they see God, as in they see, Elohim;
     -I Tim. 3:!6 says the acts of Jesus foundation was God all the time, well it says,  and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory; this mean unlike any other god, to claims of christ this planet and beyond, the God of heaven, earth and mankind, this Ancient Of Days, Prophet Daniel calls him, meaning HIS first existence is past finding out, HE SIMPLY, IS and has taken up HIS TABERNACLE with man, this God of all god's, come down from throne heaven, put on vulnerable flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost, behold Jesus stand at the door and knock, behold the Spirit and Bride sayeth come! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see, Aristotle Heiress Cologne, A 2001, Christmas, Carol, 

The Cutting Away

     -LOL, you're blowing in the winds of uncertainty go catch yourself, I'm just gonna quote this scripture Chris that says all, been saying all. Actually since Lucifer himself, said and thought exactly what you and your billionairs are thinking, saying, now a projrcted tens of millions US soil suddenly dead. And I quote Elohim, God, And I shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a LIE, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. This striking evidence is why doing the death rider from beneath the earth dream, see. Rev 6, 6th seal, see YELLOWSTONE. It is that Ps. 37 was mention, why God cries Rev. 17/18, right before he destroy all unrepentant, and wickedly calculating Thus saith the Lord, come out of them, MY PEOPLE! There's only one world to new heaven and earth that continues after this,Satanic debacle. That's Jesus, and He's already cataclysmically refitting  all of this for His Kingdom Reign.  I witnessed it 2016, and what you and yours are describing, aint it, oh I see again Chris torturous beast of great tribulations are grazing on the horizon; you're blowing in the winds of uncertainty, get Jesus, clear it up, get out! Beware, Apb

The Light Of Regan Central Whitehead

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 2012, (1986-2016/17/18)      And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from t...