Sunday, October 28, 2018

A category 5 hurricane wiped an entire Hawaiian island off the map as I witnessed 2001, happen to California, to Canada and their alone, 60 plus millions, beware, escape!

Heads Up The Cascadia Zone

Prophecy Links

    -And Prophet Ezekiel saw, Eze. 9; released, 6 slayers and an ink horn man, and Apostle I am heard, 2017,  kill all parents by, finish all schools, and Prophet Ezekiel heard, begin at my sanctuary, and Apostle I am saw, Eze. 5, commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes stabbing at the heart of stampeders instantly judging to ascending them, beware, Apb

  -Spectre of nuclear war looms over UK and we'd be hit first - shadow minister's dire warning,  rticlle, (West Civilizatiion clear and Present Danger, One Error/Era, A New Fear Factpr, 1974-2016/17/18,Now The Brexit, Truexit, Briexit, beware, Apb


Magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes off the coast of Canada

Suddenly Gone Off Planet Earth

   -I watched this all happen to California 2001, and stampede the world by a type of dream, like a Christmas Carol imager, a fly over the country's calamity.  Heard Canada be commanded to wiped off the map 2005, you're talking what? Five years after God come to me 1996, like He'd come to Father Abraham about sin cities, territories, Sodom and Gomorrah. That's 10.years after he explained he would destroy in cities, US States of barbecue, America. What's happening now is no different than what happen then, the days of old. God coming after evildoers targeting his people and they being so thick as thieves and in sin, sickbeds with them you can hardly tell the difference, only the Lamb's book open 2015, can, well, did, the Saints are marked.
-This is all proven when it's explained to Apostle John the downing of the identical world system called Mystery Babylon, God is right there saying their sins (America's weight of whoredom and blood guilt alone), have reached up to Him, he's about to judge them, even double, now he need you, us to come out of the way of their demolition planet earth. This is not man getting God, even the traps they lay is their own detriment. As usual this is God getting at wicked man, instead laying a siege for them for as long as I been ministering, prophesying these 30 plus springs, and biblical eschatology as far back as three millennia.
-Forewarning right until the 2012  movie is only an adaptation of my 30 plus years online work of portraying America and the world's end by book characters and parables all aligned to what I been told and demonstrated upon. Until so far, from Russia's Chernobyl, Japan's Fukushima, Bush wars, Hussein Obama's Pres rising with beast; Col Gaddafi New Africa, OFFER, Trump, grieving God's heart as a Gog and Magog, his war on the migrants alone, they too a fulfillment, the world, a babel in exodus. Just as of an outbreak of disasters, only now with ELES pending stampeding America as well into Africa, as I've written, by Mega, submersible ship on and below great oceans of waters, even dodging NEO'S raining down from above.
-I can still hear myself waking from sleep, chanting, we will build an Ark, hearing, five more disasters; hearing Oct 2017, 10. 2 earthquake, then hearing, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada, all, written and shared online these 30 plus springs, then now; All come to past with those latest large Cascadia quakes pt. 2, of the prelude that began the deletion of West Rule, this planet. Revisited and predicted 2015/16, domino a come multi nuclear Pacific ring of fire and predicted 2015/16 disaster domino Hawaii where the 1st prelude to this end now come. You think this is something, proof our God who is for us is come for, them, pray they too repent.
-You should hear the report about Typhoon YUTU, (avenging youtubers, Apb) whereas, as predicted, this guy point out something similar as a CAT 5 has happened to territory US. Islands the last 12 or so months. When I heard about the one that just wiped an Hawaiian Island off the map, I said Oh God, that's what I saw happen to California, only 39 million strong and heard command of Canada, they have 36 Million. All the while 2005, I also heard it command that Britain and America be separated into itty, bitty pieces, so now we're talking hundreds of millions of people, even a billion.
-Plus we just learn America is sitting on not one but three Super Volcanoes, again, the US West Pacific, territory. That's not even counting that Hawaii whose yet pending is the largest volcano in the world, so who has set up whom? it's been 30 plus years of seeing this extinction of westernized civilization and by book characters,, sharing, but for the last 17 years, Dec. 24/25, 2001-Nov. 24/25/2017/18, now a 33 Rev. 2, Matrix, 2, countdown, ( Dec. 15, 2017, Trump, a prelude to Gog and Magog misery and Abbas, the pending ten heads getting at at it, all while he elephants of staying unaware are stampeding). Still since, Dec. 2001 we been warn her weight of blood guilt judgement is come, get out, I witnessed like as upon a Lot and family some taken southeast, into Georgia and on into Africa just before the Godly are taken skyward.
-As of Rev. 10 and 17/18, 7th Angel Jan. 2018, so for nearly a year still, into the Congressman trainwreck explained, no further delays. A blessedness revisited a couple weeks past as I heard, Matrix 10, as Rev. 10, as in the warning, there is time no longer, fully understand this mean ELE'S to exodus for now, Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2018. Then Christ's Cross produced world powers, the Bride and West Rule, are cataclysmically no more this planet, that's until 7 Daniel years, Antichrist rule past into Jesus reign. The recent granting of Matrix 31, of Dan. 4:4, only then king of kings Babylon and king of kings Mystery Babylon now, is Mystery Babylon West Rule imminent fall revisited, got Him, got Jesus yet? Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

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