Sunday, October 28, 2018

-Seen to be seeing 2015/16, fuel canisters all set in a circle, seen to seeing they're one at a time set to ablaze, seeing to be seeing, 2015/16, the Pacific Ring of fire is come, more and more volatile.
-Hearing in my ear, 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava, seeing a woman carrying, Rev. 16 & 17, black bowls along this ginormous maze of a millions man visited single water cooler.
-It's only hours before the disaster Hawaii scare, 01/13/2018, seen to be looking at my Memphis son, he seem to be saying momma, your worrying after me, got the downtown newspaper bells, ringing (an outbreak of earthquake has the earth's bells ringing, said seismologist, days later),

Largest Earthquake In Years

     -As doing a dream 01/13/2018 only minutes before the predicted, domino Hawaii, incoming missiles scare, couldn't we just say, this predicted multi-nuclear Pacific ring of fire climate that all such earthquakes and volcanoes along the seismic to tectonic tracks are all placed on the edge to produce disasters, to mega disasters to extinction level events making the entire North America continent, just as dangerous and pending to be more volatile, deadly as Indonesia and the only calm US, soil has enjoyed during the most unpresented for millennia of it's kind of activity is leaning on Rev. 7, divine intervention, as the those four winds being held back, until, what?
     -I did witnessed June 26/27, 2015, that it was as the days of Lot and family, a Jesus husband deliver loved ones from as far away as all US states of barbecue at least a thousand miles or more away, into Georgia, from the predicted 2001 to go off the map and burn inland from there into the eastern seaboard, the US West/Northwest Canada, all now an end time timetable dating from Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov 24/25/2017, into a Rev. 10, and 17/18, matrix ten day countdown award, now it's 33rd with both timetables, 2001, and 2017, looking to finale presently into Nov. to Dec. 24/25, 2018, according to a Matrix 31, 09/15/16/2018, the no 7, and Dan 4;4, then King of king Babylon, now king of Kings Mystery Babylon, America, a no longer pending  a Briexit to Brexit, all this planet, until 7 Daniel/Antichrist years past over, as into Jesus millennium reign, this doomed world/planet system is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out!   

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