Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Intrepid Dream Dec 24/25 2001, Unti 190 Months and 40 Days Be Fulfilled Nov 24/25/2017, This Shall Be The End, Now A 33rd Matrix

Prophetically On The Map 

     -Just last night, well this morning, I awaken from a dream whereas in the dream I was sitting in a church, it seem to be a Jimmy Swaggart, church when suddenly people became panic.  They became panic and started exiting the building, they were existing the building because of a bomb threat.  We’re no longer talking about deadly incidents in the away yonder where people are repeatedly dying in our stead but we’re talking about American soil.  05/25/2010

     -I looked into dreams whereas cities of America were making it like cities of Iraq.  I saw a Walmart under attack and in flames.  I witness people in complete panic, I even witness people taken hostage, my spouse was one of them. As so was there something about bomb threats. This is where I pulled from the sink where I was washing dishes a long length of hair that was to act as a measuring stick, like the horses bridle mention in Revelation, which is six feet long, 05/22/2010

Mene, Mene Tekel Upharsin                                                               03/31/2014
Revelation 6

     As one riding December 24/25/2001, in a brand new white trimmed in gold Intrepid automobile along a highway, one right through the middle of what was a wilderness on either side. Right through unto what was now this astonishing modernization and innovation when suddenly the driver side of the car door open and I tumbled from the car to my feet only to watch my car drive on without me.
     Looking up to see where I was, I found myself standing in front of a large worn building, a house reminding me of the place I grew up in. It wasn’t long before I was instead inside this building, where inside it looked more like a hospital, when just as soon two women approached me, took me to a weigh scale where I weighed in at 190 lbs then making this place weigh station
    Just as soon they started leading me away, out toward the back of the house, of course while all this was going on I was thinking where was I going and how would I leave without my car? It wasn't long before we arrived to the back portion of this house, arriving here was like arriving hundreds of years into the past, it was clear America was no more, but instead nations of the middle east began to reign great and true.
     As I said making my departing all I was thinking about was where was my car and how I would leave without it, when just as soon they began coming toward me with this towering, beige color horse. I remember thinking I didn’t know how to ride a horse, again it was giant, beige and it was infested with fleas. It wasn’t alone, just as soon I saw other horses come, only these horses, apart from the pale horse, they were actually men dressed up like horses of further judgment, each one arriving in a manner of time one after the other and the dream, the vision passed from me.   
God Has Numbered Thy Kingdom, Dan. 4, 5-12  
Revelation 11

     Mene, God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it, Mene, God has numbered (weighed, judged), thy kingdom and finished it, (ended it), Tekel, you are weighed in the balanced and are found wanting (lacking righteousness, guilty as charged), Upharsin, your kingdom shall fall to the Persians, (the nations of the middle east),190= 190 months, (Rev. 11 and 13) = 15.10 years, plus 40 days, Eze. 4, so 2001 + 15.10 years and 40 days = Nov 24/25th 2017. This weight of blood guilt judgment mean the decision to end America by Holy Lord's Wrath has already been decided, there’s just this matter of a little passage of time. Mankind, especially God's sanctuary overall purpose on this earth is to bring an end to sin, of course His name for all eternity to come is Jesus Christ the Lord, beware, Apb, The RAM www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com

And This Is The End, Eze. 4-7
Revelation 1-22 books, open, 01/13/2018, now a 33rd Matrix Ten Day Countdown To Doomsday, November/December 24/25/2018

    -The Automobile, Intrepid as in come to the end of an Intrepid adventure, white is for the righteousness of the saints and gold, is as tried and purified in the fire, as gold. Since they're Christ blood redeemed, they're exempt from blood guilt, and is as prophesied simultaneously taken off planet, as surely as all Mystery Babylon, West Rule. Weigh station scale. Simply blood guilt, corruption sown, blood guilt, corruption reaped, this is possibly the hardest part of this judgment for Americans to understand not realizing the mountainous blood carnage upon which it stand.
     -Even doing Trump campaign they were calling for the spilling of more foreigners blood, crying Trump make America great again, not realizing said attempt, as Moses's Pharaoh curse. He and his would fall upon their own weighty blood guilt now called into judgment, a sentence quite nuclear, crying since Bush's error, Israel/Islam, 2002, Obama's error, Israel/ Islam 2013 and Trump error, Israel/Islam, 2017/18; again crying, said troubles is come upon US/Western soil, fifty million will die with ELE's presently moving US/Canada West/Northwest Pacific into it's targeted sight, get into God's designed as Noah, Moses day exodus or perish, your life, your soul's everlast.    

And When Lamb Had Opened The Seals

     -The Beige, Infested with fleas horse, when I first dreamed this dream, Dec. 24//25 2001, I knew this all referenced a pale horse judgment, I just didn't realize it referenced the pale judgment of Revelation, 6, set to take out a quarter of the earth's inhabitants, 15% US soil alone. Apparently began US, Western soil and began the moment, predicted, domino Hawaii, began to blow, May 4, 2018, so a 16th, Matrix, as to open Rev. 16, and the first you hear is, go, pour out your vials of wrath upon the inhabitants of the earth Only as to claim for a total since Bush's proposed war on the axis of evil, not realizing he, his included, fifty millions lives and since the horse of hades rides with death we're possibly referencing also to prophet Isaiah forewarning, that hell hath enlarged itself, unrepentant Americans, great and small, so many dying so speedily, could have their own assigned area. 
    -I can tell you something about my family, especially my own childrenso they can hide their eyes, cover their ears, bite off their tongues and break their knees all to avoid prophetic reveal, they elect that they ask me nothing and that I not call them or text them about anything horribly pending. Fret not, it's all just as God described to prophet Ezekiel and Jesus to inquiring disciples, who asked HIM, why he speak in riddles, ah parables/allegories. Though riddle me this, since the elephants of staying unaware stampeded this earth into a world of undeniable, indescribable quaking, eruption and inundating chaos; Howbeit, most concerning, only minutes before Trump's Dec.3-10,2017  declarations of Jerusalem and the US Embassy. 
    -Evenly so, God's wrath can't be denied, why you're virtually dodging these come all the more up close and in your face, tearing through your living rooms, to vacationing areas, NEW MARRIAGES, your pulpits, getting at your peace getting porches, tearing at, down, your CRYSTAL SKIES, there is no place to hide from such horrid reveal, even your MONEY MARKETS presently and just over the horizon are all infested with carnivore, bear beast. Unendingly, as the mark of the beast having itself slain millions to billions is imminent only months from now and scrolling on the news ticker, obsessively, none stop is this single, recognized, horrid itself word as, tribulation.  
     -Those nations of the middle east rise, I saw come right into power America's sudden Brexit, the Briexit, as I said, Syria is the stone made with rebellious men hands, that kingdoms, nations and people have been breaking themselves against for many millennia now the big satan and the little satan, God's targeted wrath as the days of old, come and come and come, in the word of their own Blessed Son repent or likeso perish! I easily predicted a Hussein whitehouse, doing Bush's 2003, because Rev. 11, describes, this is to happen to Israel's courtyard for a duration of 42 month exactly. I just didn't know Barack Hussein would come not only as a fulfillment of the ten headed beast having a wounded death head, Saddam Hussein, yet it lived, Barack Hussein.
    -Evidently proven to be prophetic, as the two beast of Rev. 13, one from land, one from sea, rose with him and went further into prediction, until the Dan. 12, man in linen allied by Angel Gabriel  timetable, again, the one Angel Gabriel 2004 referred to, saying all things is unto fulfillment, she's coming, going with a Seventh Angel (who appeared, Jan. 26-29, 2018, and now like all end time eschatology awaiting a matrix ten day count, finale, possibly Thanksgiving 2018); All of which also passes to Obama's until two weeks and seven years be fulfilled, I heard it announced in my hearing, just as Senator Hussein Obama come President/World leader. 
   -This is when 2016, I  witnessed Jesus Millennium descend into it's timetable finale and in 2018, I watched, as so did you, when a biblical territory directed blood moon marked this Man in Linen/incarnate Jesus' Cross/Barack Hussein timetable tenth anniversary, as from July 27 2008 to July 27, 2018, just another phenom verification I am their appointed Apostle/Prophet, blessed are the hearers and doers of Genesis through revelation reveal, for the time is at hand said the visiting January 26-29, 2018, Rev. 10 and Rev. 17/18, Seventh Angel, again saying no further delays US soil, deoslations predicted come, and like as those stampeding elephants from the abomination that maketh lives, lands, churches, crystal skies and money markets. Just how many of you have seen the adaption of my 30 years of speaking online in parables, the 2009, 2012 movie, mixed in with the movie, 'The Road," 
    -All these 30 plus springs giving you an up and close surreal look at what to except, is as predicted, all these times tables, even the backward running clock, the sixth year under the 1996 death rider, presently ticking toward a world of cataclysms, an award of a Rev. 2, whore Jezebel judgment and suffering Church Smyrna ultimatum, that they STAND; now a Noah's cousin of outbreaking extinction levels events, nuclear, natural and NEO's, coming non-stop to all US and West Rule municipalities near you, actually that are you, ALL, nothing presidential to peasant, western civilization this planet will stand, nothings dare can God's Noah's day wrath, God has planned these many millennia into this very second, it is exodus, God will only as the days of old, only bless exodus, that's southeast or skyward.
     -Get with his plan or perish, even your soul's everlast, God's winepress with a pale horse judgment taking up the rear will claim a quarter of the earth, that's tens of millions of you procrastinating Americans, whereas this Islamic reign that Prophet Daniel witnessed a little horn, an Antichrist rise from will as well claim a quarter of the earth, you're looking at tens of millions dead US/Western soil, a third Israel's soil and two quarters this earth, explaining, doing the little Miya girl of translation, 2017, the toll bridge for crossing over into a new era/error, cost exactly two quarters.

This is your Briexit/Brexit/Blexit, Get Jesus, Escape,
Ezekiel 4/5 Daniel 2/4-5
       -While American and Beloved Trump Dreaming, you guys just so you know, predicted ELE's for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2018, the Yellowstone Caldera, predicted, Apostle John's 93. Apostle I am,1996, revisited Jan 2018 by a forewarning, of the Midwest, Revelations Seventh Angel, it is that ELE's pending US soil, when Hawaii instead went up, Yellowstone super eruption, mrmbb333 findings, asking do they know something about Yellowstone? A pending Yellowstone eruption, this world ender has just been upgraded to an unprecedented status, with dutchsinse, 10/17/2018 finding alike plumes seeping around two other US soil, super eruptions, California and New Mexico; all while I revisited, by dreams, a 31st matrix count, Oct. 15/15//2017, as of the 11th matrix, count, March 13, 2018, the invitation dream, that's from US states of barbecue instead into a stampede, as into Georgia/Africa.
     -I warn an acquaintance a couple years back to come out of both, that nothing would be left but fire, flood and dust treasures, yeap been seeing this since Dec. 2001, actually the death bringer from beneath the earth, like a volcanic caldera, eruption since 1996, with Jesus live appearing, spring, 1986, demonstrating rapture, So all this time knowing, that's what I told her, told my Memphis, thousands in family members as well, warned of it's New Madrid, seem they too, all want a Hawaii missile alert experience, of a sent off, have y'all screen the terror they and their families suffered, just prior to cancellations. Only this time extinction come, it can't be downgraded or covered up or disguised as a mistake, God don't make mistakes, ever, Noah's Flood, like Noah's cousin presently wasn't, isn't a mistake. simply, the genesis man/marriage, the first Adam as to purpose after Christ's Cross, wouldn't have survived it. As in it would've went extinct, all does, even us right now, when, if, there's no divine intervention, as Adam's Eve, Noah's Ark, Christ's Cross and Christ's timely, pending, Millennium Reign.
     -No, your governmental leaders to protect their political, to monetary to military standing, they can't stampede you and when they stand before God, yes they'll be filled with excuses, but you and yours will still be dead. Since you're American, convinced being American is godly, even Israeli blessed, still, chances are, you're in hell, can't get out, this is why God promised you signs and wonders that can't be denied. For example, some enraged enemy launched a missile at Hawaii, just screen your nations actions this soil, foreign soil, that followed, they covered it up.This is when God erupted predicted 2015/16/Hawaii, and every seismic to tectonic plate the predicted 2015/16 Ring of fire and North American Craton, since. That there's to then be something so cataclysmic foreboding they couldn't cover up or explain into non existence, except it's an elite to alien invasion, into these false flags of denial, you all call them. Indefinitely, o happy day for satan, demons and ancient beast reign, ah and the elite depopulation plans, just as to easily leave you America Dreamers, misinformed by your own ceaseless denial. 
     -These end time troubles come is why Jesus, Mat. 24, suggested when you shall see them as plain and clear as the hand writing in white on blacken Israel's Wailing Wall to Trump's damned Border Walls where you guys need bridges. Plainly, you should flee, and like forewarn of Lot's wife you don't look back, nor come back, this is your American exodus, your Briexit to Brexit, Further meaning, another gone with the wind treasure, the proverbial, encouraged Blexit isn't political at all, just as the Bride's exit, the exit of west rule this planet, come is it's prophetical these 30 plus springs, American into Africa exodus, thus their, your prophetic, Blexit, get Jesus and get out of all West Rule territories this planet, commanded reapers to the harvester thrusting in sickle for reaping martyred blood have and is and will continually target you until it is that Jesus Millennium Reign! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see entire made aware here, that yours is blessed exodus assuredly as Jesus' Cross is an offer of blessed death, again see here, https://oceanatabithakroff18.blogspot.com/2018/10/do-you-live-anywhere-near-yellowstone.html

Prophecy Link

A Voice Declaring:  “Five more disasters, a horrible end to all things on the map 06/14/2013, as I woke in my bed, I heard this, thinking, like the ten plagues of Egypt, the end days into church Smyrna more the tribulations, right into the Dec 24/25/2001-Nov. 24/25, 2017, until each tenth day be fulfilled, pending is greater the tribulation, until doomsday itself and Mystery Babylon, America/West Rule, no longer serve as a super power, nor a power of many sort, like the Bride it is simply no more this planet

Now Occupied Territory, America

     I was standing over my stove, I was cooking when suddenly the Holy Spirit began speaking to me, how soon we, the church bride could be in heaven looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them.  03/17/2011

     That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluckAmbers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM), see here, www.shottothe.blogspot.com

For Salvation Pray:

     I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening to: Selah: You Raise Me Up  

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

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