Friday, November 2, 2018

Yellowstone Erupts The World Into A Volcanic Winter With A Pale horse And Islamic/Antichrist Reign Pending, Dec. 2001-Dec.2018

 The Little Miya Girl Of Translation,

Prophecy Links, From, see Jeremiah, 37:8, Ezekiel 5, From, see Daniel 4

     -When and Where My Dreams, One An Invitation From US States OF Barbeque Would Only Days Prior Coincidence With Dutchsinse Witnessing Plumes First Overs US States, Then Over West Coast Volcanic Craters, Beware, Apb,

The Nov 4, Petrodollar/Petro-Handle Bars US Soil Alone, Into The Tens Of Millions

   -These pending Megas to ELE'S are stalled but in a Rev. 7, sort, whereas the four winds are commanded to hold back, until God or the Lamb's command.  Surely right now many know in such a multi-nuclear charged climatic environment, but stalling aling US soil, this biblical evidence along truly make all the sense. Believe Apostle I am these 30 plus springs, this act of divinity or simply synchronizing these various earth ending events is the act of God. The Asteroid I heard commanded to target US soil, the rider of death released from beneath the earth; a voice crying it's a hit, cities hit Guam just did it, or the eastern seaboard is gone, all yet wait a perfect fullness of God's timing. Like the prophets of old, Christ Gospel and the Apostles epistles, the acts of the Bride have a long list of the horrid that's about to happen. That did begin to happen Thanksgiving into Christmas 2001, stalled until Thanksgiving and Christmas 2017, stalled again, a revisited (still Jan. 13, 2018), Rev 2 warned whore Jezebel (See A for abortionist LGBTQ and P for Pedophile Nazi, genocidal agenda); and an assured suffering church Smyrna, that they, yes STAND, Jesus is here! So now a Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday award Noah's day US/West Rule soil. As in designed ELE'S, plural stalled now these 33 Matrix counts, Nov 3 beginning it's 34th, and there is no telling what Mega’s are about to happen, and no, I don't know how many more Matrix’s are left. I know only that 1-22 Matrix left Rev. 1-22 chapters opened to fulfillment. That equally doing the first Matrix Dec. 3 2017, elephants of staying unaware stampeded, wisely before Pres. Trump made further damaging and damning declarations of Jerusalem and the US Embassy. Now if you admit it, the world been warring, quaking, erupting and inundating its inhabitants since. See here, a MrMBB333 youtube report showed how Cat 5 storms have for 12 months or more targeted a US territory Island. Mega storms this outbreak with a cracking, crumbling missiling down upon us made crystallized heavens, unveiling two crystallized Godzilla like monster, deceivers, all like humpty dumpty come crashing down. Honestly chances are, like the Mega Tsunami Christmas 2004, and Angel Gabriel appearing that May prior, saying all unto fulfillment. Only now we have the Seventh Angel, June 2018, appearing, right before Thanksgiving 2017 Matrix award reach a year finale, Thanksgiving/ Black Friday, 2018. Then right before Christmas 2018 reaches a 17 year finale, the weight of America's blood guilt, judgement now come. All surreal events evidenced, all timetables preventing Daniel/ Antichrist final week of years and the Bride and West Rule are all simultaneously suspended. Just as so referenced to all being completely fulfilled the moment Rev.10 and Rev 17, 7th Angel right into the Congressman trainwreck, Jan. 29th, 2018. This too a 6th Matrix, with a Rev. 6, 6th seal pending, like said of conspiracy theorist they too knew something cataclysmic this way cometh, but ran only for themselves. HIS, Seventh Angel 2018, so urgent forewarning, no further delays, doomsday passovers no longer holding its sway. The floodgates of pending ELES all now open, began with predicted 2015/16, the Pacific Ring Of Fire, and a predicted disaster Hawaii, for when it shall begin to blow. Plainly all seismic to tectonic zones especially along the North American craton are fracturing, are going. Clearly just as predicted March 2018, by book characters Lakeside Pier Swanson and Evolent de Rosse of the house of Egypt, beginning with a Canada ending California major, major earthquake. Beware, only he who now let these extinction level events ebb and flow now along a Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, will let, until He/She/ The Bride, even the Angels are taken out. There is then no holds barred, but just an outbreak of ELE'S, plural and never before this nation nor this planet, just an outbreak of mortuary. Yours as demonstrated Spring 1986, June 2015/March 2018/October 2018, yours these 30 plus springs is as Noah's Ark, Nimrod’s Babel, Abraham's Lot and Moses exodus; so a for decades now Briexit/ Brexit/ Blexit, southeast. That's as to escape not one but three Yellowstone eruptions from as far away as meetings in Georgia as to get further into a presently welcoming Africa. Then there's skyward, as to escape God's Wine press to the beast damning mark, into, as far away as the third heavens; as into Christ Jesus, the blessed death/divine marriage supper/better homeless shelters as mansions in heaven, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM


Yellowstone Erupts The World Into A Volcanic Winter

     -Yellowstone at green level, curious, I dreamed about the color green only nights passed, my grand and his friend come in with green for Halloween cheeseburgers and I said, i dreamed about the color green. When extinction level event happen, a yellowstone, a Nibiru a Nuclear to Natural, even a Carrington, event, as all are pending. This demo Dec., Christmas, Eve, Day, 2001, now pending 17 years later into Dec. Christmas, eve, day, 2018, as to be fulfilled, as to be suspended before, as of the 7 Daniel/Antichrist years now come. The prophetic truth is nothing was left of our American dreamed lives, as suddenly not only was 190 years of technology just gone, so was tens of millions of lives. All deemed 2017 a Noah's cousin and demonstrated June, 2015, Jan 2018, March 2018, and October 2018 as one is to escape, US states of barbecue as far as, into Georgia state and further into Africa's coastline, as a pale horse and Islamic/Antichrist reign are yet pending.
-You see, in unforeseen reality, (; what's actually this supereruption worst case scenario is what Apostle John is describing as a earth and heaven shaking extinction level event. As is demonstrated behind Rev. 6, 6th and possibly why the Rev. 17/18, Seventh Angel made his appearing Jan 26-29 2018, as in a 6th matrix, again as to revisit Rev. 6, 6th seal, as in you guys, 666. as in no wonder he was so mighty with urgent forewarning, the US, Canada, West, Northwest coastline already tremendously warn until there shouldn't be another living soul in those territories. So now said attention is especially toward the midwest, and the eastern seaboard, as those being just as forewarn, now for ten months of being unprecedented with mega to nuclear activity and 34 Matrix ten day countdowns to doomsday come, again, Rev. 17, 7th Angel saying, no more delays, desolation predicted US soil, now come, beware, Apb, see more here,

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