Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Storms Of Depopulation

The Countdown,

Daniel 12 534, Man in linen into prediction
300 to 500 years, Apostle John Rev. 10 93 BC, into further prediction, Rev. 13-17, the acts of the Bride, 2000 years Christ Cross into Obama's President, until two weeks and sevens be fulfilled, 07/27/2008- 07/27/2018, see Blood Moon of ten yr anniversary. America's weight of blood guilt, from
Dec. 24/25 2001- until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled into Nov. 24/25 2017-until an awarded Matrix ten day be fulfilled Matrix 10 day count award, 11/24/25/2018, 1-22 Rev. Bks, 1-33 Matrix counts until Nov. Thanksgiving, 2018 10/15/2018, the revisited 03/3-5/2018, Watered down in pink letters, the singke word Offer, heaven or African exodus, final ultimatum, the No. 7, Dan. 4:4, 09/15/16/2018, until a year of Matrix day cts. 11/24/25/2018,
superpower West Rule go off planet, until 7 yrs be fulfilled, 18 yrs, after the Dec. 24/25 2001, weight of blood guilt, judgement, sentence, see here

-When Apostle I am think of king of kings plans of world population control. I think about every Antichrist that has come and because of doctrines of devils and demons played god. Activated its plan of genocide that has killed off masses of people that religious, political, Western Civilization thrive, that's so it can lift up the Christ of Christs? No, so it can assist the Satanic agenda the moment Lucifer said I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. The curse of death, judgement and hell is upon man's blood lineage because Satan is a murdering thief from the beginning and all tebellers of God's righteousness are his, the children of the devil, Apostle John described them, don't be deceived all your eternity. Its as if we believe God didn't know the moment he created Adam a marriage of procreation said divine intercourse good or evil wouldnt one day, this very day span the globe by multi billions of Abraham's children. Have any stopped to ponder perhaps that's why the new heaven and earth descending Planet X, this invasion of false peace on earth is so much the expansion than this cataclysmically falling from under their demonic heels. Even It's first heavens seen as to crash down upon them, a blanket of glass and fire missiling down, why congress were found running. Every tethering wall to crumbling foundation,  discovered quaking, erupting, and inundating sinful men, undoubtedly the Damater earth and Father Ancient and all their combined extincting elements. ELE's have enacted a renewal plan of renovations against us or this doomed from the fall from glory, man, doom planet? Remember Jesus, as in we have a God who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was ensnared by the American Dream the abominable this planet. So at a time such as this, of divine castrostropic relocation instead we'd be off planet celebrating the marriage supper of the Lamb. This doomed plan, man and planet is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out! Apb, The RAM

      “Right now while king of kings sinners opting to cast out sinners, it's depopulation Nazi Germany madness. The scripture says while we're yet sinners and were captured within the extinction level renaissance to repopulation new planet earth. The millions caught it's migrating hordes this single water cooler of endangered species the human Being. Though they've drafted and crafted a manner of holocaust against God and the Genesis man; here's death, companion by hades and hell hath enlarged itself in advance. Still in the transiting of greater the great tribulation agenda, its tiniest of intermission, the seventh angel appearing, the Brides ascension. Instead in huge enough to block out the sky, bold, italicized, flood watered down Jesus' and the martyreds' this planet blood, the color pink, is this single OFFER, still! Though within this maze of sin these six millennia that never elects to end again a break in the lines of billions desperadoes awiting a single water cooler, life resource. Frighteningly though in her hands are the final, now blacken bowl judgements, blessed, in her upper right hand pocket are business cards for better homeless shelters. Actually of Gods solution from the beginning to the enforced abandonment of the rebellious. As in exchange for damaging, scavenging, damning homeless shelters, the woman seed. Possibly the 30 minutes of heaven standing still come Her Martyred Son, Blood OFFER of mansions in Heaven. Behold He stand and knock where He's been for all times, at the door of your heart, the Spirit and Bride this Phenom, Divine Rivalry God's Throne, doeth say come, three times actually,.

    -Yeah, I was kinda there, this astronomical marriage supper, soon all brought to a screeching timeout, Elohim was crying, my people are dying, they're being stripped, behold I will strip their leaders, kill all parents, finish all schools! The entire host of heaven, marriage supper, seraphim, cherubim, prayers the brazen altar, all halted. One holy approached me, said He want to see you, I said who? He said him, by a divine translation next I know I'm standing before a mountain oddly God's Throne, from which a sunlight rises; only as the exodus of Moses and ten plagues of Egypt, again to king of kings this planet  it speaks out and I quote, “let my people go!” As I was growing up in Christ, I explained I watched Jimmy Swaggart ministry alot, doing so is what help unveil to unmask end time eschatology so well. What those Holies are warning you are now troubles come are like a single drop falling from the sky 2015, into oceans of comparison to all desolations planet earth combined, past. There's this impact, imprint the pages of father Swaggart’s daily bread I was studying and commenting at the time,. I explained 2015, a crystal tear to rainwater drop just come right through a perfect ceiling, like now I just kept writing. But witnessed, heard. and could see it's impacting, imprint, God's tear,

perhaps a single test dropping from this cataclysmic storm Father Swaggart, the late eighties testified of seeing. Surely that I these 30 plus springs have never forgotten, now let me try describing what he said he saw of what I'll call a depopulating storm. He talked about the sky coming black as the sackcloth of hair, with these huge, jarring, jagged edges of lightning, piercing down, striking the earth as it descends. Where just ahead was a great harvest to be gathered that this monster would easily decimate and how terrifying it's imminent, unstoppable approach. Only soon he hear a voice from heaven how He would hold back the storm until the harvest could be gathered. The doomsday storm, man, plan, planet is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out!

Of course God to this dying day, has for millennia into this present generation done exactly that. Only as of Americans said endangered harvest cries instead to Ores. Trump its own detriment, make us greater still, grace rescinded now heaven cries back but yours is a nuclear fate; an aqua era; 99 bowls of molten, a noah cousin; a slow motion exodus;  just an outbreak of ELE’s and unprecedented mortuary, my people, come out if them! Apb

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