And I heard In My Hearing, 2016/17, as the days of Ezekiel 9, Kill all parents by Nov 24/25/Dec.24/25 2018, finish all schools!" And begin at my sanctuary, king of kings Mystery Babylon America/Wester Rule, until seven Daniel 9 years passes over them,
And Then Shall That Wicked Be Revealed
-First, I'm reminded of the preschool teacher who was found literally bragging and mocking parents that she's training their children along same sex lifestyles. Lke it's a game, the same sexual abnormality, threatening the genesis man marriage, that God has ended entire worlds over, let alone empires to America's.
-A little while after that, a boy and girl as young as seven were found in the closet attempting to have sex. Only now what we have are confused about their sexuality children, influenced by every evil work, now as young as nine years old, hanging themselves in these same closets of doctrines of devils and demons.
-But if you go back to the Genesis and research the primary suggestion God gave to the Adam now newlyweds. Disobedience would kill them, and destroy the phenom lifestyle of procreation their Elohim had lovingly advanced unto them, and the pending procreated earth. Perhaps then you'll understand by the time Noah's generation come, doubtlessly as said reporter, it grieved Elohim to tears that He'd created and newly wedded, the Adam.
-Apparently the tears here meant those mentioned here were made to feel hopeless when God is blessed hope. I can still hear the psalmist crying if thy mother or father forsake you, then the Lord will take you up, if I ascend up, into heaven thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there, if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there wilt thou hand lead me and thou right hand shall hold me.
-Just imagine loving parents in a park with a small child trying all the deaf dying carnivals. As well there they are celebrating with all eyes, hands and contact lest they fall, lest they suffer injury. In this blessed concept parents little know, homeschool is the best thing to happen since apple pie with cake and ice cream. So broken, torn asunder, burnt upon the altar from the beginning, into a future, post apocalyptic era. Beware, Apb, see entire blog here,
Honduran Migrant Caravan Grows To 4000 Among Spike In US Border Crossings,
The irony of a resident of Hawaii's rivers of lava, again escaping, explaining he'd just relocated from the fires of California,so from a boiling pot into a frying pan or vice, versa. Beware CW, how you talk legal to illegal land grabs, aborigines of these confiscated territories are gonna ask what do you mean by legal entries? For over a decade now I saw something similar, all revisited these thirty plus years of prophecy, America's own commanded. exodus. This is since Jan. 12th 2018 moved only minutes into it's 13th.
-When that waking me was a voice saying, one hour with the beast, 10 Matrix days later, Jan. 26-29 2018, the meeting in heavens with Rev. 10, and 17 seventh Angel saying no further delays, desolations US/ Western soil, come, as in escape, nowl
In the dream, an African beleaguered male come into the tent where I was sleeping. Understand everything portrayed in the 2009, 2012 movie, MASS DISASTER, Arks, Africa's destination, an African American world leader, all my thirty plus years online work, the exodus of America, into Africa, well I'd imagined a New, paradise Africa, see Col Gaddafi,
Know his said attempt would've been realized 2016/17, like right now.
-Anyway he come in, he call my name Pat, wake me, bring me out and point me into an African coast line and all I can see is a sea themselves of American refugees pouring in. Now understand every entitlement of this prophesied work and parables has come true.
Lately with a Rev. Seventh angel telling us no doubt it's time, while Ghana, my neohew by marriage, 2012, country is inviting you all to take easy entry; as so there's something of a 400 yr. ritual abiut Africa American's returning.
-Remarkably which just happen to be as of a commanded escape either into Africa or Heaven, even this African male are all being revisted. This would be as of an invitation the 10th Matrix, the 32nd Matrix that you all come out of US states of pending barbecue. With concern, just as dutchsinse like March 2018, produce another plume video ,now Oct. 2018,
- In March 2018 that pmume video was right before California start burning and Geigia state being an exception. Whereas recent plumes are now all around the US West Pacific once dormant, some for millions of years. Earthquake craters. So from the trajectory I prophesied 2001-2017, these infernos took.
-This was after the US/Canada's West, and Northwest Pacific coastlines went off the map, so like the movie Titanic, unbelievable all around sinking and shrinking Nov. 24/25 to Dec. 24/25 2018, these desperate people will be American escapes.
-Those predestined for decades now, an exodus into Georgia, as into Africa, or into Jesus, as into Heaven, decide, ah, God isn't mocked, there are no escapes by suicide, there never would be. Clearly your American Dream houses an immortal spirit and soul; with Jesus bloody Cross meditating the blessed faith to cursive fear of its soul's everlast between heaven or hell, everything else, just say Morphus Matrix to NEO reveal is all imaginatively, Satanic, beware, Apb, the RAM
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