-The divine precision of destroying wicked men, wicked earth first with such little lost of life. I know, what a surreal command, “kill all parents by., finish all schools" Meaning preferably lives, lands, churches, guardians, instructors, coaches; all religious, political to social media, even broadcasters; all presidential to peasant in a position to advice God's people in any way other than Christ's Cross, are accursed, ALL are being targeted here, ALL! Surely if you're one of those who think this is unusual this is the God who loved us so much, He reduced Noah's earth down to one ark family. Because as the abortion to the LGBTQ and P for pedophile agenda right now. As then a manner of sexual abnormality between evil men and wicked angels threaten the genesis man, marriage from which the seed of righteousness, of human blood reconciliation, JESUS, would then come. Only presently America, Western Civilization and sexual abnormality are those who crucified the Christ and gave us legalized abortion and same sex marriage, only in three days, the blessed resurrection, JESUS IS HERE!. Marvel not that I heard, tis death people, tis death; kill all parents/overseers by; now you understand God crying Rev. 18, the downing of your abominable, blood thirsting world system. Say I know, when I like a father Abraham 1996, being approached by God was first told HE would destroy America, like now it's global financial system, like you, all I made was mockerous unbelief. Still hear God suggesting you, (See Mat. 24), we come out from among them or suffer Cataclysmically as with ALL the unrighteous. Sorely come out from among them and those to obey Loving God and do escape southeast into Georgia, into Africa. This act of faith and obedience is then counted as godly, ensuring divine intervention, as unprecedented and glorious as Noah's Ark into Christ's Cross and the Bride’s escape; knowing exactly where Monster Michael would trek; blessed are those in the first resurrection and the dead shall shoot out, up like sky rockets first, I witnessed this Phenom and the Phenom of what happened next, (https://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/02/give-to-time-sensitive-fund-here.html?m=1). The elephants of staying unaware are since Dec. 3, 2017, a first Rev. 2, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, stampeding, you too, all made aware, come, get Jesus, get out of there, beware Apb
-5 Planets Aligning Come Spark Even More Huge Earthquake Activity
-Be alert Marfoogle, even as you say dutchsinse earthquake assessor is forewarning of an unusual stillness. He say that is never good, meaning there is pressure building along these faultlines. Said trouble building is along both the Pacific Northwest, Canada, into The West Pacific California coast. Clearly both of which I either saw 2005 go off the map or were commanded to be wiped from the map. Both areas still, I a year this month of Oct. 2018, now a 32 Rev. 2 Matrix, 10 day count. Again I heard this time last year, 10.2 earthquake and days later as a news report, I heard and quote, "major, major earthquake west Pacific Canada!" For example in 2003, by a dream I witnessed and heard as a news report, Saddam has been injured and will not recover, days later, live, a military affiliate as breaking news, come before us and reported Saddam had been captured and would not recover. Such is the commanded exodus as far as southeast into Georgia, even Africa, as of a predicted death rider from beneath the earth.
, -Seemingly a just as locked and loaded, as Cascadia, as San Andreas,, it's Juan de fuca right into Yellowstone going as well. See the invite March 13, 2018, an 11th Matrix, from US states of barbecue into the state of Georgia as into Africa. All ELE's sentences as of the global weight of America's, blood guilt, now 17 years and 32 Matrix ten day counts; that's past it's Christmas 2001 until Thanksgiving 2017, be fulfilled. Only right into a Rev 2, Matrix ten day count award, whereas on its 1st, Dec. 3, 2017 elephants of staying unaware stampeded, earth been quaking and erupting since; on its 5th Matrix, Jan. 13, 2018, warn of downtown, newspaper bells ringing, predicted, disaster Hawaii, would erupt, the perfect man Jesus asked of angels ascending with the Bride? Whereas on it's 6th Matrix, Jan. 26-29, 2018, Rev. 10, Rev. 17, with a Rev. 6th, 6th seal, a world stretching earthquake is pending,; a. mightily urgent Seventh Angel, for heralding the. Bride off to marriage supper, instead forewarn no further delays US/ Westerners global soil, desolations come, no more doomsday passovers pending. Just think Florida's Panhandle to it's Mexico beach near deletion; their paradisiacal before and after photos were suddenly only hours apart. Now these earth enders come, with the predicted 2002-2017/18, tens of millions dead US soil nestled along all three of these mentioned pending with ELE's areas, get Jesus and get out, beware, Apb
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