Friday, October 12, 2018

Nibiru Closest Images To Date Catastrophic earth, events, get ye to repent altars, now flesh shall survive it!

      -Nibiru Closest Images To Date Catastrophic earth, events

Prophecy Link

     -See to be seeing doing Bush, axle grease placed on handlebars to disallow Russia and China,  those same handlebars seem doing Obama's, attached upon by a funeral reef that reached into the heavens with it's now come, death toll; no doubt the predicted since seeing four continents and nations in a block, see, Dan. 7, Asia, America,Japan and Russia and a cry 2002, right into Trump's 2017 inauguration, fifty million will die! Beware, Apb, The RAM, ,  

     -It's Raining Snakes, The 1986-2016.17/18, Designed as Noah's Ark, Commanded As Moses' Exodus, The Exodus Of America,

     -Certainly as of deaths tolls In the tens of millions, It's Midwest Yellowstone Eruption Alone. Aligned to Cameron's Brexit, June 26/27/2015-July 6, 2015-Feb.22/2016. Equally, to Bush's, Saddam 2002, Obama's, Gaddafi's, 2013 right into Jan. 2017, Pres. Trump's Inauguration, a predicted these nearly two decades, fifty million US/Western soil, death, Yet, yet it's stalls an award, of a matrix ten day, countdown, having a year's duration Nov. 24/25th, 2018, as so a 17 year duration of its own weight of blood guilt, Dec. 2001/Dec. 3-23rd 2018; do you or should I explain further these thirty plus springs, what's to happen then? I give you a hint, whatever extinction level event your own US Congress feared was happening when their stampeding escape train wrecked, the third day Jan. 29, 2018.
     -Phenomenally as of Rev. 10, Rev. 17/18, Seventh appeared in the heavens to me, forewarning me, to forewarn you, no more delays, no more doomsday passovers pending this planets beginning with western civilization. Then as Noah's, as Moses, only escape has been designed, surely get Jesus, or get southeast into Georgia, as to get southeast into Africa, either way, get out! These dates as all prophesied scripture are permanently pending until then, Oct. to Dec. 2018, cataclysmically the Bride, West Rule this planet is no more, (see the No. 7 and begin reading Dan. 4:4), so not until Prophet Daniel's final seven years, as of Ancient Beast regn, passes into total fruition! Beware, Apb,


And I Heard, Get Ye To Repent Altars, God is Avenging, Martyred Blood,

    -Seventh Angel Jan. 2018, forewarning desolate come, no further delay, over nine months right into even the US congress, the elite yall l them running for their lives, stampeding them. You all can give these credits to the elites and harp all you want, but according to Rev. 17:16-18, it's all being mighty influenced by God, let no man deceive you, these elements only obey God, like the hearing a decade of so back, "asteroid. destroy Wisconsin or was that the west constantly sinning? Then there's the hearing rest thirty thousand lives and exactly that number is lost, as so, 1998, hearing, a day will come when they won't be able to give these whimsical creations away, there are those using Joseph of Jacob and Egypt as an example of a failing world economy only it's more like Prophet Ezekiel who some even gold and silver come as worthless Chris, as be thrown into the streets, they couldn't very well eat it, drink it nor be sheltered by it.
     -Thus and so Apostle Paul description of world wealth as a stumbling block of iniquity, the once thinking it strange hearing Jesus said, it is unlikely a rich man will enter into heaven, undoubtedly thinking then who of Western Civilization could then be saved? Surely you remember the saying, 2005, the antichrist will kill millions going broke, a so equally, the saying, God's said, HE will kill millions America's weight of blood guilt. That's as surely as all wealth this nation, this planet is being synchronized not only along a moneyless society but the financial yielding of unforeseen famine ever this planet of the mark of the beast, straightly why Jesus cried lay up all your treasures in heaven, not even the gates of hell will prevail against it, for where a man's treasures are, there is also his heart. Just remember there's no devastation as devastating as God pouring out of his wrath, with every manner of mega disaster incomprehensible getting at your as described 2001, abominable, detestable lives, lands, churches, money markets.
     -Indefinitely, soon with a Yellowstone erupting there goes your precious crystal skies. for ever, (; again describable death rider from beneath the earth, for they, you all, have forsaken God. Unmistakably a reaching into the heavens threat, as then to enter in would be, as to be without a righteous head, Jesus, then is confusion, (see king of kings Babylon, madness, begin Dan. 4:4, revisited 09/5/16/2018, 1-22, Rev books open, so a 29th matrix, again transitioned presently as upon king of kings Mystery Babylon, now Pres. Trump, as so all western leaders, again God's Grace suspended, come then is confusion and every, EVERY, evil work, again, EVERY,  heretofore ancient, Eze, 38/39 Dan. 7-12, -Rev. 17/18 beast reign! Clearly why I witnessed great beast not only tearing and stomping through your apostate pulpits but seeing them tearing and chomping at you well you sit your peace getting porches. Just a hint, if this was Egypt's soil, doing the days of Moses exodus and according to a sunlight, rising from a mountain, both God's Throne, it's time for God's people to be released from these wicked king of kings disservice, what, what is all this evidence except Noah to Moses day exodus are just as mercifully, happening to you;
     These constants made adware's to forewarning of course, out of decades of demonstrations about both the Bride's exit and US states of barbecue exodus, again just what could it be God, whose been ending evil kingdoms, nations, tribes, tongues and people for six millennia is trying to tell you? Then as AMTV , Christ say about the stock markets, you guys haven't seen anything yet, the extinction level events portrayed, in Hollywood, Armageddon, Knowing and especially my 30 year prophetic scenario, world chaos, Ark (Aqua Juttah's) on and below water, destination Africa, (he African Juttah) all mine, all, ah and lest i forget, the tell, tell movie, not so much dutchsinse like the movie Dante Peak, but more like the movie, Super Volcano, only said dragon caldera, this beast of beauty doesn't stop until a predicted 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava are finished. Certainly put them all together and get what I been seeing coming every since I crawled into my closet spring 1986, surrendered all, ALL and prophet Malachi's Jesus bearing healing wings answered it by his this live, beginning spring day, appearing, I'm coming soon, the last he said, demo's of such been haunting me, well us every since "go and tell my people!" sorta like Mary Magdalene commission she being commissioned unto the disciples by a freshly risen from death himself, Jesus the Christ, beware.
     -All, by the way, the Apostle Paul crying I beseech therefore brethren; well that's what they're for, closets, and surely not for children hanging their poor selves. Suggested by Jesus, prayers closet are such, so when you come out you come out a type of Jesus, holy spirit and holy temple of God, and not Satan, as of genocidal agendas of demons and doctrines of devils. For example, born perfect, Pres. Bush tried to destroy Saddam Hussein not only did God, reform this evil, as in back to end time prophecy by healing this wounded head of Ancient beast reign, now come, Rev. 13, but by a Barack Hussein aligned to this world's reign with what's left, of the final two weeks and seven years of the Daniel two thousand plus years allowance of the dispensation of grace, thus the church age, thus the acts of the holy bride, the divine intervention of six millennia of holy angels.
     -Remember the perfect man Jesus, the first of 2018, not only, only hours before the predicted disaster Hawaii for when it shall begin to blow, all others, including Yellowstone are affected by it's domino event and this would be the end of this present earth, So again, this morning of, just before it's inbound missile alert, Jesus the Christ of resurrection only ten days before seventh angel appearing, Jan. 2018, was asking. will the angels ascend as well as the Bride? They're all coming, even Gods last offer, it's ginormous blocking out the sky with mercy, was again offered doing millions of people waiting patiently this single watercooler, then she enters and stumbles into a blessed intermission. But still, a brand of mocking your mockery, your blatant little Miya girl award, slow motion exodus. So this blocking out the sky, italic, floodwater, watered down, martyred Jesus' blood, pink letters, the single word, offer! Undoubtedly the woman bearing scorched in the fire of US states of barbecue, Rev. 15-17, vials/bowls of judgments are clearly in her hands,
    -Fret not, still in her upper, right hand pocket, again this mockery of monstrous idolatry, are instead again this offer these business cards for better homeless shelters; as apparently she knew your home earth was about to be desolated. See a predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, sink holes and what scientist call this liquefaction, so some Mega's come from right under your feet, why Apostle I am keep telling you all. Formally, it is the days of Eze. 5 and God Himself is warning you there is no prepping other than stampeding these targeted areas; it's that commanded reapers, Eze. 9. Those I saw bearing sword like syringes come right after stampeders, aiming at the stone hearts, these insurmountable troubles nuclear, natural and NEO"s all designed to enact their own version of predicted 2017, a Noah's cousin. 
     -Unforgettable even these many millennia, the ten plagues of Egypt were for many things, but most of all what you're not being told is they were for stampeding, for getting the Hebrew people after God's designed, blessed exodus, now here Jesus forewarning disciples as He's describing extinction level events like as present ceaselessly bombarding the earth, "let no man deceive you!"
 Right before hurricane Michael and apostle I am, is talking a day or so prior, and I kid you not what seem to appear out of nowhere. I was telling you all about seeing along Africa's West Atlantic, as to spread into the US southeast, it's gulf and such the like. Surely what seem this battling out the Atlantic basin was two giant weather analogies, one a monstrous weather system of producing Michael like, monster hurricanes. 
     -Secondly, a monster off of Africa's West coast, a  long standing dust storm, again appearing as to battle it all, almost like an act of preventing the targeting of the southeast, of especially Georgia. The next you know, the mightiest hurricane to hit the panhandle areas since 1887 or so, even at one time come a Cat, 5, did hit land as a Cat 4, so a monster that still had to be maneuvered, away from southeast, Georgia, as God alone is God and Georgia is terrorarily I may add, as get into Africa, America's designated exodus. Beware, Apb, see more here, Rev. 6:12-18, and here, what a nearing yellowstone eruption will be, why even your elephants of staying unaware stampeded, God's wrath, no longer taking your unknowing as an excuse,  Rev. 6th seal, Matrix 6, Rev. 7th Angel 2018, is no doubts about this world stretching beast of beast the heart of America.
     -You see Georgia into Africa, that's where all the hundred millions of Americas and Canadians, the very Canadians pending a predicted this time 2017, major, major earth quake, those I witnessed decades prior lead about an evacuation, as cattle. This would be all North America, not ascending to Christ, by Christ's Cross alone,  ALONE!!! Should be, as the elephants of staying unaware, only hours before Pres. Trump's breakout, non stop with sudden destruction, the Dec. 3-25, 2017, Jerusalem, US Embassy and Palestine's Abbas debacle, the earth quaking, erupting and flood waters deluge; of the elephants stampeding then stampeding them into Georgia or directly into Africa.  I don't care about men's various destinations, this African destination, the one my prophetic parables as of all acts of divine intervention have been stampeding westerners into, your 1996, their none Mayan prophecy, 2012, these last thirty plus springs Jesus 1986, live appearing, as the Bride is simultaneously taken out.
     -I explained how grievous readers come, when I forewarn the hearing of get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, what the weight of blood guilt 2001 weigh station, (; revealed America to have 190 lbs of, but as in a sudden as the blink of an eye Bride's escape, a subtraction of 190 years. So here being revisited two years later, the escape, June 2015 either to Georgia or heaven second anniversary, 2017, again, even ascending angelic messengers showing themselves desperate after your escape, so an act of divinity revisited  still, March 2018, the offer to invitation from US states of barbeque instead into Georgia, as into further debates about an African exodus., Crystal, clear as the crystal skies falling unveiling two deceiving crystallized Godzilla monsters, just as Jesus explained of an end time exodus of earth's inhabitants escaping the abomination that maketh all you treasure above God, desolate; saying don't come again into your damned, demonic houses, don't look back upon damned,  demonic kingdoms and nations trust, delight, commit and press toward the mark, of the high calling of God, that is in Christ Jesus the Lord, beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)!

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