Thursday, November 1, 2018

Predicted ELE'S for Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2018 6/3-5 Earthquakes, 72 Hours, What is Happening, Ask You Tube, Florida Marquise

Prophecy Links -Seen to be taken into heaven, 2018, soaring through the clouds, by the speed, as before one word passes into another, look up, for your salvation, ot only draweth nigh, but the man in linen timetable finaled, THEY ARE HERE, beware, Apb For The Lord Himself Shall Ascend From Heaven With A Shout, With The Voice Of The Archangel And The Trump Of God! Said, Apostle Paul, here, I Thess. 4:16-18 Suddenly, Taken,, I Cor. 15:51-58 Ascension, error/era/error, Rev. 6, 6th Seal

Predicted ELE'S for Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2018 6/3-5 Earthquakes, 72 Hours, What is Happening, Ask Youtube, Florida Marquise,

-First Marquis, I suggest you direct this question primarily to your religious/Christian, social and political/governmental leaders, who should hear and obey God, first and be as Jesus, a blessed, righteous head to God's stampeding people, just ask Pres. Putn, it's why he haven' bombed us, even why Yellowstone, seen, predicted 1996, held up, until just now. It is that you then follow dutchsinse alike updates, but, but only while you're stampeding like the elephants of staying unaware, Dec. 3-5, 2017, from Trump's damaging, damning declarations of peace and safety followed since, every US territory Island, by Cat 5 storms, even see Hurricane Harvey/Michael. I, Apostle/Prophet I am, suggest you run, that is from as far from the US/Canada West, Northwest Pacific coastlines as possible.
-One of three US territories, US soil, that I witnessed 2001-2018, either be wiped from the map, or heard commanded to be wiped from the map, how it is that everything burn from there, EVERYTHING. everything until you are defined, March/October 2018, as US states of barbecue. By an indescribable, intravenous offer, as to be invited instead into Georgia, dutchsinse only days prior, saw the plumes, each times, he sees them still, California volcano craters once dormad, some for millennia again with plumes, see, his, Oct. 17 2018, youtube video, see Typhoon YuTu damage, while you're at it, with a voice crying, 2003, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it! Yet pending, as an Asian invasion, 1998, it's predicted oppose to Pres. Trump's 2016/17/18 campaign promises, Nuclear fate, looms over blood guilty, US soil, as well, repent, escape! -Everything including the White House, Walmart, into Kennedy Space center, just caught on fire, then I heard, the eastern seaboard is gone as well, for when the predicted 2015/16. disaster, Pacific ring of fire, domino's into a predicted 2015/16 disaster, Hawaii domino's into all alike seismic to tectonic plates, zones. Then, when the predicted 2015/16, 99 bowls of molten lava shall begin to blow, whose predicted eruptions is into 10 months now and 33 into 34 Rev. 2, Matrix ten day countdowns into doomsday, and this shall be the end. Surely why only minutes into Jan. 13. 2018, I heard Rev. 17's, one hour with the beast and only hours before disaster Hawaii incoming missile alert, I had many dreams referring to an end that hath come. One as of Rev. 18, as of a Memphis son crying, the downtown newspapers bells were ringing, as of a death toll US soil, predicted 2002-2017/18 to be in tens of millions. -Then a perfect man Jesus with a dangerous, perfect man pending ask, would Angels ascend with the Bride? Indefinitely, proving yours all North America, Britain, all West rule this planet, is a Noah's day Briexit to Brexit, as into Georgia, as into Africa, as your weight of blood guilt, spring 1986, is a predicted, revisited, Dec. 24/25th, 2001, so these 30 plus springs, God's Noah's day wrath. This is not Kanye West's but for many Millennia into recent decades, king of kings Mystery Babylon America's, West Rule, Moses day, exodus, your authentic not political but prophetic, revisit to Nimrod's come babel, now your Blexit, get out and may God as Abraham's obedience, bless it and count it as righteousness! Further meaning, Ezekiel 9, reapers, 2010, bearing, swordlike syringes, getting after stampeding people, dancing to prancing them along a stab to the heart were just as well ascending some as they were judging and condemning others, this doomed, damned world system is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out! Predicted ELE'S for Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2018; Posted from Psalm 61, Ezekiel 5 and Daniel 4 to then abominable in His Sight king of king Jerusalem/Israel posted to now abominable in His sight California/America, all unto fulfillment, saith Daniel 9/12, 534 BC, now Angel Gabriel May 2004, beware, Apb Predicted ELES for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2018 Posted from Psalm 61, Ezekiel 5 and Daniel 4, to then abominable in His Sight, king of kings Nebuchadnezzar/Babylon; posted to now abominable in His Sight king of kings Pres Trump/Netanyahu/Mystery Babylon America/West Rule, beware, no more doomsday passovers pending, saith Rev 10. 17, Seventh Angel, Jan. 2018, an end hath come, Apb, The, RAM Listening To Psalm 61: Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I Janet Paschal, The Little Miya Girl Of Translation, Prophecy Links, From, see Ezekiel 5, From, see Daniel 4 Then abominable in HIS sight, king of kings Nebuchadnezzar/Babylon, now abominable in His sight, king of kings, Pres. Trump/Netanyahu/ Mystery Babylon/America/West Rule. Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down Jesus/their martyred blood, pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide, I Suggest You Use Your Knees, beware, Apb, see here,

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