-Rome, A Car Inundated By Hail, Inconceivable, -This is unbelievable, even knowing this, predicting these 3 decade's just an outbreak of mega disasters. Into extinction level events; even the little Miya Girl of car apocalypse, but seeing, wow, beware, Apb, see, https://watchers.news/2018/10/22/hailstorm-rome-italy-october-21-2018/
-She That Shall Be Named And The Name Taken Away!
-Really Weird, identical storms, Patricia and Willa, same size, same location three years to the very date apart, only now a 33rd Matrix ten day countdowntown, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_gHXnGh57O0
-I would have laughed Anita if wasn't so heartbreaking when you asked did America take blood money, why think portrayed as a great ehore, shes pictured as to imbibe on martyrs blood, these six millennia? America is the epitome of blood money, so I take it you all don't know the various holocaust, including the Jews that has gone into making America the king of kings Mystery Babylon it is today, should I go over all of them with you? Doing her weight of judgement Christmas 2001, what you think that intrepid car/weigh station was for, was about? It's from the Roman/British Empire,West Rule to the Petrodollar weight of blood guilt, judgement come 2001.
-Equally spent into 2017. Being spent right now along a Rev. 2 Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday come, what now? It's 33rd, Matrix with Thanksgiving to Black Friday 2018 being its year anniversary and its last, pending a finale as a world power, Christmas eve/day, 2018. Do you spiritual leaders like the days of old, have any ideal the horrors that's about to happen to tens of millions of people in this country, to West Rule this planet? Held back by religious, political leaders,pleasures refusing to see America as a present day Mystery Babylon, whose cataclysmic deletion come.
-Recently has been visited upon, a 31st Matrix, the no. 7 and the warning given Dan. 4;4 to king of kings Babylon. The next seven years, Daniel 7 years, don't belong to the Bride nor to them, beginning Dec. 24/25 2001-Dec 24/25/2018, just an outbreak of ELE'S to mortuary come and come and come. See this year 2018 finale, America is to be no more a power nor authority this planet, SEE THIS! KNOW THIS! Even why your followers are having escape dreams, Georgia/Africa or Jesus/Heaven, decide; let these endangered souls go into commanded exodus, the only two escapes, Ps. 37/51, Eze. 4/5, Dan. 2-5, Mat. 24, Rev. 17/18, again the only exits God has blessed and as the days of counted it's faithfulness as righteousness, beware, Apb, The RAM
-Seen To Be Seeing 2018, A Flawlessly, Groomed Leopard, Not Russia, The Grecian Beast Of Antichrist Reign, Both Obama/Trumps' Rev. 10-18, Is Now Upon US, www.daniel345bc2017ad.bospot.com
-Pres. Putin Says Nuke Them They going to heaven, only referencing Pastor Begley that unrepentant American leaders to people wont. I explained more a saint than Pres. Trump/Pence, only Putin is both powerful enough and humble to influence power, Kingdom nations into Daniel final week of years, come Western Rule removal. Why He's a man of prediction, even why Obama is out and Trump is in, see, God puppeteering evil doing men, see Jer. 37:8, 1998,.Rev. 17/18/ Jan 2017/18. Exodus America, even West Rule or tens of Millions perish, I know Trump will be punished, even they will, forfeiting your escape, its soul everlast over campaign promises. You're still be dead, and still for tens of millions not escaping, that means temporal hell on earth and eternal hell, following, Beware, Apb
NTEB, The Perilous Influx Of Latino Migrants!
-And Geoffrey Surely They Can't See The GoIng The Wrong Way Sign For Pres. Trump, Even Britain's, Canada's Brexit, Proposed It's Own Jerusalem's Wailing For The Wrong Christ, Wall, That America's Own Beginning, (We Will Build An Ak, 1986-2016/17/18) Migrant Story To Debacle Is Meetings In Georgia And An Exodus Into An At Present You Guys, A 400 Year Old Anniversary, Welcome Back To Africa. If you Mary heartily reconsider migration is the founding stone of America; so Trump's aggressive stance to campaign against the migrants is a transgression, it's losing the cause for Christ's Cross, Antichrist.
-The more I see such human tragedy, I'm reminded, 2005, looking in a dream, Britain America like now, at a blinding fork in the road take separate paths then I hear, Britain, America, separate then into itty, bitty pieces and a time later I heard, smiling faces don't last wipe Canada from the map, see Dan 2, King of kings Babylon Nibiru stone from heaven, of Kingdom Nations deletion, with all such extinction level events, yall seen dutchsinse lately, his US West, Northwest, prediction? So commanded ELE S presently happening, get Jesus, get out, beware Apb,
-Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide
-Well, America? Have you Ever Fallen Before? Straight Answer, You're Now In The Judgemental Process Of Falling, Still Was The Bride Escape That Cataclysmic Happening Or Was That Cataclysmic Happening, Cause For The Bride's Escape? I witnessed Christmas Eve/Day 2001, It Was Both, The Brides Escape, And America's, West Rule Exit This Planet, Until Seven Years Be Fulfilled, Dan. 4:4, 9 Both Caused An OutBreak Of ELE's And Mortuaries All Across The Earth and 1st And 2nd Heavens And NOTHING, Was Again The Same, Again Get Jesus, Get Out! www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com, www.whatifdday2014.blogpot.com
-He's seeing it, although Jesus warn we're to be as the days of Noah, just suddenly taken by cataclysms wouldn't even, couldn't even see the extinction level events beginning, wiping out US/Canada West Pacific. Dutchsinse, like Apostle I am predicted is seeing the earthquakes to seismic plate, with multimillion nuclear bombs of activity creating the end time quaking, erupting and inundating conditions that ended this world. Right into this planet's fiery renewal, beginning with a commanded American, Moses day exodus, plainly, prophetically, just as such Beauty to Godzilla like seismic zones endangers not only what's life and living, Combined or married to death and dying, judgment and hell, the found guilty, abominable, American dream, West Rule this world, period; but humankind's continuity into the blessed death, except Jesus millennium intervene exactly seven years into our complete extinction.
-Truly, sincerely what God contemplated before Noah's Ark, and I'm sure doing Christ's Cross, thus Christ interceding prayer, that Elohim instead forgive; just as He'd promised Mother Eve, a woman seed, thwart by anyone, any satanic to mankind induced agenda we are terminally, catastrophically, permanently as the cretaceous period, extinct! Beware FB, (Youtube), to future Tribulators, this entire nation, planet, I, we, the Acts of The Bride have been recalled, reassigned just as of Jesus, having Prophet Malachi's predicted healing wings, live appearing spring 1986. Only with a voice like a trumpet Rev. 4:1, just now, again saying come, while, rise up here, well up there, saying, three times actually, and not even the gates of hell can prevail against it! Now if you think demons in hell or fallen Angels, Dan. 9, (Prince of Persia) don't have power, as recorded in Daniel and Jude.
-Evidently, they faced off with Archangel Michael about Angel Gabriel getting to Prophet Daniel and about Moses' offenses, only Archangel Michael said no, they couldn't have him, Moses. Kinda meaning Apostle Jude witnessed this Phenom debate along invisible spiritual warfares in our midst; I've seen them, heard them too, I heard, 2003, when they asked you, America, have you ever fallen before? Even forewarn, Trump's 2017, yours is a nuclear fate, fifty million will die, as with Bush', 2003, Obama's 2013 now guess what? If you're not stampeding as elephants of now made aware, making you aware into Georgia, with your eye on a presently, welcoming Africa, you're counted in this staggering number of those all of a sudden dead then further, judgment, clearly why hell rides with death, crystal, why hell enlarges itself, further why this doomed world system Rev. 17/18/Matrix 17/18, is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM,
Prophecy Links
-She That Shall Be Named And The Name Taken Away!
-Really Weird, identical storms, Patricia and Willa, same size, same location three years to the very date apart, only now a 33rd Matrix ten day countdowntown, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_gHXnGh57O0
-I would have laughed Anita if wasn't so heartbreaking when you asked did America take blood money, why think portrayed as a great ehore, shes pictured as to imbibe on martyrs blood, these six millennia? America is the epitome of blood money, so I take it you all don't know the various holocaust, including the Jews that has gone into making America the king of kings Mystery Babylon it is today, should I go over all of them with you? Doing her weight of judgement Christmas 2001, what you think that intrepid car/weigh station was for, was about? It's from the Roman/British Empire,West Rule to the Petrodollar weight of blood guilt, judgement come 2001.
-Equally spent into 2017. Being spent right now along a Rev. 2 Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday come, what now? It's 33rd, Matrix with Thanksgiving to Black Friday 2018 being its year anniversary and its last, pending a finale as a world power, Christmas eve/day, 2018. Do you spiritual leaders like the days of old, have any ideal the horrors that's about to happen to tens of millions of people in this country, to West Rule this planet? Held back by religious, political leaders,pleasures refusing to see America as a present day Mystery Babylon, whose cataclysmic deletion come.
-Recently has been visited upon, a 31st Matrix, the no. 7 and the warning given Dan. 4;4 to king of kings Babylon. The next seven years, Daniel 7 years, don't belong to the Bride nor to them, beginning Dec. 24/25 2001-Dec 24/25/2018, just an outbreak of ELE'S to mortuary come and come and come. See this year 2018 finale, America is to be no more a power nor authority this planet, SEE THIS! KNOW THIS! Even why your followers are having escape dreams, Georgia/Africa or Jesus/Heaven, decide; let these endangered souls go into commanded exodus, the only two escapes, Ps. 37/51, Eze. 4/5, Dan. 2-5, Mat. 24, Rev. 17/18, again the only exits God has blessed and as the days of counted it's faithfulness as righteousness, beware, Apb, The RAM
-Seen To Be Seeing 2018, A Flawlessly, Groomed Leopard, Not Russia, The Grecian Beast Of Antichrist Reign, Both Obama/Trumps' Rev. 10-18, Is Now Upon US, www.daniel345bc2017ad.bospot.com
-Pres. Putin Says Nuke Them They going to heaven, only referencing Pastor Begley that unrepentant American leaders to people wont. I explained more a saint than Pres. Trump/Pence, only Putin is both powerful enough and humble to influence power, Kingdom nations into Daniel final week of years, come Western Rule removal. Why He's a man of prediction, even why Obama is out and Trump is in, see, God puppeteering evil doing men, see Jer. 37:8, 1998,.Rev. 17/18/ Jan 2017/18. Exodus America, even West Rule or tens of Millions perish, I know Trump will be punished, even they will, forfeiting your escape, its soul everlast over campaign promises. You're still be dead, and still for tens of millions not escaping, that means temporal hell on earth and eternal hell, following, Beware, Apb
NTEB, The Perilous Influx Of Latino Migrants!
-And Geoffrey Surely They Can't See The GoIng The Wrong Way Sign For Pres. Trump, Even Britain's, Canada's Brexit, Proposed It's Own Jerusalem's Wailing For The Wrong Christ, Wall, That America's Own Beginning, (We Will Build An Ak, 1986-2016/17/18) Migrant Story To Debacle Is Meetings In Georgia And An Exodus Into An At Present You Guys, A 400 Year Old Anniversary, Welcome Back To Africa. If you Mary heartily reconsider migration is the founding stone of America; so Trump's aggressive stance to campaign against the migrants is a transgression, it's losing the cause for Christ's Cross, Antichrist.
-The more I see such human tragedy, I'm reminded, 2005, looking in a dream, Britain America like now, at a blinding fork in the road take separate paths then I hear, Britain, America, separate then into itty, bitty pieces and a time later I heard, smiling faces don't last wipe Canada from the map, see Dan 2, King of kings Babylon Nibiru stone from heaven, of Kingdom Nations deletion, with all such extinction level events, yall seen dutchsinse lately, his US West, Northwest, prediction? So commanded ELE S presently happening, get Jesus, get out, beware Apb,
-Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Skies, In bold, Italicized, Floodwater down martyred blood pink letters, the single word OFFER/Awful, Mansions in Heaven Or The Mark of the Beast? Decide
-Well, America? Have you Ever Fallen Before? Straight Answer, You're Now In The Judgemental Process Of Falling, Still Was The Bride Escape That Cataclysmic Happening Or Was That Cataclysmic Happening, Cause For The Bride's Escape? I witnessed Christmas Eve/Day 2001, It Was Both, The Brides Escape, And America's, West Rule Exit This Planet, Until Seven Years Be Fulfilled, Dan. 4:4, 9 Both Caused An OutBreak Of ELE's And Mortuaries All Across The Earth and 1st And 2nd Heavens And NOTHING, Was Again The Same, Again Get Jesus, Get Out! www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com, www.whatifdday2014.blogpot.com
-He's seeing it, although Jesus warn we're to be as the days of Noah, just suddenly taken by cataclysms wouldn't even, couldn't even see the extinction level events beginning, wiping out US/Canada West Pacific. Dutchsinse, like Apostle I am predicted is seeing the earthquakes to seismic plate, with multimillion nuclear bombs of activity creating the end time quaking, erupting and inundating conditions that ended this world. Right into this planet's fiery renewal, beginning with a commanded American, Moses day exodus, plainly, prophetically, just as such Beauty to Godzilla like seismic zones endangers not only what's life and living, Combined or married to death and dying, judgment and hell, the found guilty, abominable, American dream, West Rule this world, period; but humankind's continuity into the blessed death, except Jesus millennium intervene exactly seven years into our complete extinction.
-Truly, sincerely what God contemplated before Noah's Ark, and I'm sure doing Christ's Cross, thus Christ interceding prayer, that Elohim instead forgive; just as He'd promised Mother Eve, a woman seed, thwart by anyone, any satanic to mankind induced agenda we are terminally, catastrophically, permanently as the cretaceous period, extinct! Beware FB, (Youtube), to future Tribulators, this entire nation, planet, I, we, the Acts of The Bride have been recalled, reassigned just as of Jesus, having Prophet Malachi's predicted healing wings, live appearing spring 1986. Only with a voice like a trumpet Rev. 4:1, just now, again saying come, while, rise up here, well up there, saying, three times actually, and not even the gates of hell can prevail against it! Now if you think demons in hell or fallen Angels, Dan. 9, (Prince of Persia) don't have power, as recorded in Daniel and Jude.
-Evidently, they faced off with Archangel Michael about Angel Gabriel getting to Prophet Daniel and about Moses' offenses, only Archangel Michael said no, they couldn't have him, Moses. Kinda meaning Apostle Jude witnessed this Phenom debate along invisible spiritual warfares in our midst; I've seen them, heard them too, I heard, 2003, when they asked you, America, have you ever fallen before? Even forewarn, Trump's 2017, yours is a nuclear fate, fifty million will die, as with Bush', 2003, Obama's 2013 now guess what? If you're not stampeding as elephants of now made aware, making you aware into Georgia, with your eye on a presently, welcoming Africa, you're counted in this staggering number of those all of a sudden dead then further, judgment, clearly why hell rides with death, crystal, why hell enlarges itself, further why this doomed world system Rev. 17/18/Matrix 17/18, is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM,
Prophecy Links
-Hearing in my ear, 2016, dutchsinse, 2017, seen to be interpreting a US sign into the Dutch language, just how desperate are Holy Spirits? I coukd suggest you see Rev. 1-22, or as Ps. 51 says you're warn, and judgement days it'll be duely noted and counted, beware, Apb, Aristotle's Forewarning https://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/08/taken-by-lock-if-hair-christmas-carol.html?m=1
-Judged, Sentenced As The Days Of Noah, Moses Exodus, A Predicted 2017, Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era,
-How many of you have literally went mentally into the death and dying of the people in Noah's day. The horrid sight of seeing mountainous waves and walls of water swamping out entire villages, cities. Multitudinous people, screaming, running, drowning, men, women and children, as the Indian Ocean Dec. 25, 2004 Tsunami just suddenly wiped from the planet; as with the Satanic agenda the LGBTQ and P for pedophile genocide to further thwart the Genesis Man/Marriage. Because everytime we watch dutchsinse streaming especially along the US/Canada Pacific coast these are the areas for when the predicted Pacific ring of fire and Hawaii shall begin to materialize into unprecedented master disasters.
-To ELE's come isnt only the end of this nation but the world, BUT THE WORLD! Evident by millennia of biblical prophecy, honesty what's happening is only what's been warn by this ministry for over three decades. Though ELE'S been coming is what your described elite has been preparing themselves for, meaning again as Jesus predicted. As of an unimaginable silence in heaven, we're about to watch a world of people die, beginning the tens of millions the US/Canada West Pacific. Strangely, unbelievable, not because they haven't been warn, but like in Noah's day a venomous normalcy bias, although elephants of staying unaware are stampeding their earth along a mess of quaking and erupting new abnormality since Dec. 3-5, 2017.
-Those more viral fingers in the ears as of the Trump Administration left them in a flux of denial; and though I hate to say it, millions are gonna be dead before they too take up with stampeding of elephants and get out of there! Don't forget, dutchsinse reports were recognised in 2015/16 by Holy Spirits, THOSE as recent as Jan. 13-29/2018, who caused both a Great Angel/Seventh Angel Rev. 10 and a Seventh angel, bearing the seven vials Rev 17. Those readied, I Thess. 4, to take the Bride instead warning no more doomsday passovers US/Westerners soil, desolations come; as well THEY warn all along the US seismic craton West to Eastern seaboard to be on alert for a 10.2 and a major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada and I'm officially a revisit to Noah, to Moses call and you're their generation to rebellious, gone under God's judgment, Egypt
-My book characters Lakeside, Evolent forewarn early March 2018, the entire Pacific plate was fractured, was going beginning with an extinction level earthquake that took out Canada, and yet another, book character, Aristotle, who watched California go off the map and everything else burn from there and still heard the Eastern Seaboard is gone as well. Lets just say if this was my 30 plus years online book characters adapted into a 2009, 2012 movie, this is the part whereas the Dr., the Scientist, the son contact the cruising father, and alert him Rev. 6, 6th seal, a Matrix 6, even 1996, death rider from beneath the earth, causing the crystal skies to crystallize and all come crashing down upon us all, is happening, now.
-To further understand, Pres. Obama/Trump phone App, should be warning you tens of millions right now to get out, so I'm just saying, why wait for a red alert that's possibly not coming or only after millions are dead? Georgia to heaven is the meeting place, Africa or Marriage supper the divine Ark, God, Jesus, the acts/OFFER of the Bride and the mountain, sunlight God's Throne ALL say the same, this doomsday come earth, world, nation, Noah's cousin, is not your home Jesus Is, get Jesus get out! Beware, Apb, Evolent https://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/03/inhaling-deep-or-exhe-awke-was-his-gint.html?m=1
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