Wednesday, October 24, 2018


 -All The Signs, Just As God Promised, All Of Them, There Is No, Not Knowing Anymore , There's No More Excuses, There Is Only AS Noah's Ark, A Crystal,Clear, Present and Visible, Knowing, Even If  God's To Place  It All On Your Doorstep, Beware!  Apb


    - A Nov. 24/25.2017, Rev. 2, church Smyrna, 33rd matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, this the approaching predicted these last days, warn to come by the 29th of this month of October, is this way as predicted every manner of natural disasters are just gone haywire? I predicted that ELE I  witnessed , Dec. 24/25/2001 until Thanksgiving/Back Friday 2017 be fulfilled, come a Matrix ten day countdown, now it''s 33rd. Then suddenly the Bride was gone, and just as suddenly America at still at a lost of 190 years of technology and tens of millions in death tolls!
     -Look, about the first of the year, I'm in the car with family, we just left an amusement park. Meaning it's about 10 pm or so, everyone are distracted or asleep except the driver. There's a tree break and I  get a look at the moon, it's this eerie, odd color, I'm thinking a funly illustrated, Halloween moon. At next beak, it look like a child, with a black crayon is slowly, poorly coloring the moon, I mean jagged edges of black, all. I tell my son, something odd is going on with moon, but it disappears behind trees before he sees it.
     -But soon he does see it and he can't believe it, the shading of black was raggedy, raggedy. I go straight to space, first thing is an article about the moon being eclipsed by another planet. But I tell you, this was more like a child black crayon in hand, making fun of the moon; by the we're home, it's gone. Thanks for keeping us aware of the predicted signs and wonders so we'll know what time has come, they're trying to hide, from us, such damn, criminals, where is it written God said I'll keep these urgent reveals from the people?Instead we're told to loo up, to see, know,, our redemption By Christ Jesus, draws near, Beware, Apb


     -I predicted right before the Russian school shooting and the youtube, blackout incident said to cause by Pakistan, again that terrorist, a prediction that goes back as far as 1998, and a hand writing Jeremiah 37:8, warning about a literal impenetrable enemy, coming no matter what. So those terrorist not like these but rather those as 2015 Syed Farook, Islamic terrorist who were again plotting as to target on US soil both children and schools. Be reminded, just as Jesus was describing to inquiring disciples these end times events must be, so does everything happening, and pending, so will all things else happen as has been prophesied and our only getting out of the way, is Jesus Christ's, Cross. Before The Great And Notable Day Of the Lord Doeth Grand can't come, this has to happen first, what's recorded here,; the great gathering of saints, what I've experienced plenty demonstrations of these 30 plus springs.
     -Such world events you're describing in Mat 24, verses I woke just a day past chanting, "the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give off it's light," is describing Jesus second return, 7 years later, so from 2018/19-2025/26. Remember a soon to be crucified Jesus mocked the religious leaders with this event, saying soon you will see me sitting at the right hand of the father and coming in great glory with the stars in heaven. Staggeringly by this time, Rev, 17/18, tens of millions US soil will be dead, as well they've suffered a Moses day exodus, a third of Israel is gone as well, Zech. 13, with two quarters dead this planet, Rev. 6, 2 seal, Rev. 18, double judgment. So does Apostle Peter, 2 Pet. 3:11, describe an extinction level event that will totally consume this planet with fire, such the replenishing, renewing inferno is portrayed in the movie, Knowing.
     -There are some scholars contemplating such the purging by fire, by a solar event will possibly happen during the great, white throne judgment, when planet earth is vacant of all of its human inhabitants, the judgment of the dead. i've recently reconsidered whether 2 Pet 3:11 and Rev. 20:7-10, are describing the same event. Surely Apostle I am, I'm impressed by your efforts to keep people aware, as I am of all such ministries to those proposing for one reason or another to keep us all aware. Regardless, as Noah's, Moses' and Lot and family, God has designed escape, Georgia into Africa or Jesus into heaven, now if this, Oct. 29,  Matrix 33, day of darkness is the EMP/CME I witnessed, Christmas day, 2001, until 15.10 years and 40 days be fulfilled, now a 33rd Matrix countdown. That's if it oesn't as I witnessed, finish a techinical US/West Rule for a subtraction of 190 years, you may have until Christmas 2018 to decide who you're dying for, father earth, or heavenly father, (I Jn. 3), again Georgia/Africa or Jesus/Heaven, beware, Apb, see here,

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