Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Predicted, Disaster Domino Hawaii, She that shall be named and the name taken away, she that shall be clothed, and the clothes taken away!

Ghana To Give African Americans, Easy Visas And Right To Abode We Will Build An Ark
-Though this hand out has to be revised and extended to all Americans who will come, something beloved Pres. Trump need to be doing, instead of building greater the enemies and greater the walls for keeping them out! I been seeing evacuations out of Americans into Africa for three decades, evenly, why I believed 2008, Senator Obama, with his birth father, an African native, was described, "the one," and went on to congratulate Ghana's President for taking a stand against the LGBTQ and P agenda, bless him, as God would want. -I also congratulated my Ghanaian nephew for the same reason, He who in 2012, my prophetic exodus,1986-2016/17/18; did marry my niece, I read an article recently that Evangelist Anita Bynum relocated to Ghana. I know Georgia into Africa is America's as Moses day, commanded exodus, a divinity revisited from June 2015, March 13, 2018, into Oct. 15, 2018, as a an invitation from US States of barbecue instead into Georgia. -Rightly, as into a debated Africa, with an African beleaguered landlord, ebbing and flowing along indecision. Still, an invite from US States of barbecue, revisited a couple nights past hearing Matrix ten; as in March 2018 and Ghana Africa just keep resurfacing. Let's just say Pres.Trump phone app alert should have warned us about an ELE's approach, and called for mandatory evacuations out of these targeted areas, showing themselves multi nuclear with renewed, unprecedented activity. -Those American escapees who can go right into Africa, into Ghana, no hesitation, they should, suddenly an ELE like Cascadia, Yellowstone or Nibiru will happen California, Canada, inward into the eastern seaboard, tens of millions will die. Of course travel will be next to impossible after an earth ending event. -Just remember Jesus' Mat 24, told us to pray against all powers hindering our suggested by Him escape, including leaders religious, political, inclement weather. As so we're to pray for those limited by small children; I Jesus' ordain Apostle, these thirty plus springs, in these last days suggest, by the next two greatest holidays this nation, Nov. 24/25, the Rev 2, Matrix ten day count, finale, and Dec. 24/25 2018, the, Eze. 4/5, Dan. 2/5 and Rev. 17./18, intrepid Dream, weight of blood guilt, finale), and you are nowhere near North America nor any of its West Rule, municipalities this earth. see more here,,,
-I know, I thought it was my service, but when I couldn't access it from my phone, I knew. I was warning not only about ELE'S, nuclear, natural and NEO's pending, now come, as in now come, as in right now, COME!  Whereas all not nestled away into Georgia, as into Africa are as tens of millions in sitting duck territory of these commanded beast of beauties, like Yellowstone; world enders. There's as well, an alert, concerning children and more terrorist attacks, but on schools. Like I explained, the agents of depopulation don't care what you all call these anomalies, as long as you don't call them God, Jesus nor the rapture.  
-Not because you will panic, but because you'll know your world, this world, America is over, and obey God's/Moses day exodus, US soil. The final huge enough to block out the raining down of heavens crystallized skies, offer? Georgia or Jesus, understand God, Rev. 18, is not telling his people to run, he's telling them to hear and obey his voice. To come from among these doctrines and wicked devices of devils, demons and Antichrist. Truly,  just how many of those ungodly might follow your blessed obedience, saving their souls and be blessed as well? Isn't that what Christians do, like there's no other treasure this planet, by Jesus' Cross, obey God and lead others to do the same? Beware, Apb, see, here

And I saw, 1998, from my bed, a hand writing Jeremiah, 37:9
And I saw Oct. 2018, the no. 7, and heard a time later, in my hearing, Dan. 4:4, beware, Apb -She that shall be named and the name taken away, she that shall be clothed, and the clothes taken away! Jer 10, 12/24/25/2009
-America's Eze. 4-7, Daniels 4-7, Jer. 37;8, Rev. 1-22, as a 32rd Matrix, own petrodollar blood guilt, handlebars; hand writing on Jerusalem wailing wall to Trump's border wall, both as Trump's administration in defiance of biblical prophecy. Again its hand on the wall of its influenced by God victorious enemies, nuclear, natural and NEO'S of taking her this entire planet and burning her with fire. Thus and so, the invitation March 13, 2018, a 10th Matrix, revisited, 10/15/2018, a 32 Matrix, as to lead some from US States of barbecue instead into Georgia, as into a debated Africa; the Bride's escape inti heaven, West Rule until the next 7 years past, their exit this entire planet, pound it all i to repentant altars, beware, Apb


   -I know, I thought it was my service, but when I couldn't access it from my phone, I knew. I was warning not only about ELE'S, nuclear, natural and NEO's pending, now come, as in now come, as in right now, COME!  Whereas all not nestled away into Georgia, as into Africa are as tens of millions in sitting duck territory of these commanded beast of beauties, like Yellowstone; world enders. There's as well, an alert, concerning children and more terrorist attacks, but on schools,. Like I explained, the agents of depopulation don't care what you all call these anomalies, as long as you don't call them God, Jesus nor the rapture.  

-Not because you will panic, but because you'll know your world, this world, America is over, and obey God's/Moses day exodus, US soil. The final huge enough to block out the raining down of heavens crystallized skies, offer? Georgia or Jesus, understand God, Rev. 18, is not telling his people to run, he's telling them to hear and obey his voice. To come from among these doctrines and wicked devices of devils, demons and Antichrist. Truly,  just how many of those ungodly might follow your blessed obedience, saving their souls and be blessed as well? Isn't that what Christians do, like there's no other treasure this planet, by Jesus' Cross, obey God and lead others to do the same? Beware, Apb, see, here

Jon, ex army, YouTube shut down to hide a Video of a Impact with the moon

-That look like a spiral shaped Asteroid to me, not only are they prophetic, I've heard one be commanded to target America, even Wisconsin; then NASA warn we have a slew of them headed this way. At the time of this shutdown, I began warning again yesterday, ELE'S nuclear, natural and NEO'S commanded to enact, as to impact US, soil are right now come; with safe havens seen to be Georgia into Africa or Jesus, into heaven.
Beware, if the Planet X solar system is what I think, the new earth, heaven and new Jerusalem, Apostle John witnessed descending. Surely, what purpose would there be for our existing, solar system, moon or sun? I explained I witnessed, Rev. 6, 6th seal, the heavens crystallized and fall down upon us, I also witnessed a sunlight rise from behind a mountain, (Dan. 2), God's Throne. Just as so Apostle John explained, there is need for the sun in heaven, God Is Light and at one time, 1993, visitations to heaven, that's all I remembered! Beware, get Jesus, get out!

Phone Comments

-Right before Pres. Trump took office, Americans under Obama were accused of suffering what some called a normalcy bias. Convincing themselves if it haven't happen then chances are it won't, but when was there ever a time it's evil days, it didn't happen? Oh, they mean if it never happened to them, but it has, only now death tolls then were ants compared now to dinosaurs and a God found crying behind a silence in heaven is that none perish. Thus the question among territorial spirits asking, America, have you ever fallen before? Plenty and has again, it's planet reign, finale, only a dispensation of grace put in place doing prophet Daniel. This stringent is yet beholden to them; until a times, times and a half be fulfilled, only now fading fast. Fading fast I said, one of the Angels, the Angel Gabriel who was present, 534 BC; when said sweet and bitter installment was sworn in, upon God's Throne. Was now 2004, AD., here front and center forewarning said, seeming slow motion time out had dwindled, and we were the targeted generation; all things spoken and prophesied from Genesis to Revelation was upon us, our children unto fulfillment. The problem, the man in Linen timetable had done especially, westerners, those then driving the nails, those driving them still. It'd placated the greatest disadvantage, simply we'd succeeded where great empires. Even Nimrod's tower, you can say were abominable Sodoms had all failed and for millennia faded, ah but not their detestable spirits, they instead assailed, prevailed, the heart, blood of men. We called on Gods will be done but in our heart all we want is our own will and like our father, the devil this world, we'd laid bare and bloody many kingdoms, Nation's, lives, lands and churches. Until now we'd elected Trump the showman to show God there is no turning to stopping us! Only, said cease desolations finaled totally with the prior Admin, carrying Ancient Beast reign, this genius move. Beware, Apb

and we been standing here or there upon one divine insert to another. Beware, Apb

But God whose God alone has spoken, telling His to come out and those who don't ain't HIS. Beware, Apb So ask any king of kings prior, pride and rebellion are forms of ammunition to Elohim, nuclear, natural, NEO's, as to reenact Noah's judgement, only now 2017, an erupting, quaking, inundating, crystal sky falling, Noah's cousin, beware, Apb
Remember that scene in scripture, Jesus knew his time had come and cried up, toward heavenly father glorify thy son and it was debated whether a voice or thunder cried back, I have glorified Him and will glorify Him. Well say the same just happen with hundreds of millions crying toward heavens give us Trump only this time a voice or thunder cried back but yours is a nuclear fate, God is love, God is also Truth, now imagine if Trump had taken office with this truth as his motto and began the arduous task of relocating hundreds of millions in sitting duck territory of God's Noahs day wrath, where instead he's warring with the migrants now our projected fate because he listens to rebellious Americans infected with contagion normalcy bias, Jesus just labeled as the days of Noah instead of listening to a righteous who remove and relocate entire planets to get his people attention, He alone is God. Beware, Apb

-Until now we'd elected Trump the showman to show God there is no turning to stopping us! Only, said cease desolations finaled totally with the prior Admin, carrying Ancient Beast reign, this genius move. So we been ebbing and flowing along doomsday come one divine insert to another. But God whose God alone has spoken, telling His to come out of the judgement of North America, its Central, South, its world stretching West rule and those who don't ain't HIS, suffers with the unrighteous. Beware, so ask any king of kings prior, pride and rebellion are forms of ammunition to Elohim, nuclear, natural, NEO's, as to reenact Noah's judgement, only now 2017, an erupting, quaking, inundating, crystal sky falling, Noah's cousin. Remember that scene in scripture, Jesus knew his time had come and cried toward heaven father glorify thy son and it was debated whether a voice or thunder cried back, I have glorified Him and will glorify Him. Well say the same just happen with hundreds of millions crying give us Trump only this time a voice or thunder cried back but yours is a nuclear fate. God is love, God is also Truth, now imagine if Trump had taken to office with this truth as his motto. Began the arduous task of relocating hundreds of millions in sitting duck territory of God's Noah's day wrath? Then like something out of Sci Fi, a portal was open in the crust, cracked apart and demons like a damaged fire hydrant were pouring out right into the church. Then inside the church brewing is the next young generation of the LGBTQ and P; as of it's young, pedophile males whose reproductive organ is as perverted as to be attached upon by Gods infant children. Don't be fooled thinking innocence is being lost here, when a threat to mankind as Noah's days, as of a convoluted harvest is being uprooted and plummeted. Where since Moses, Jesus and Elohim's exodus you been commanded to come out of there, beware, Apb

Jesus said many (Anti) christ shall come, you see when you by religious to political voting booths vote in one man after another, all God hears is we are ungodly let us be ungodly, still; we are unholy let us be unholy still, wash your hands of martyred blood, it be upon us and our children, and if that lifted veil isn’t transforming, then nothing is. You pray his will be done and labor after your own, He's a good god as long as he’s an America's god, all passovers met, get ye to repent altars god is reaping martyred blood, and as it is written none will survive it. A curse of madness is coming and is already here, the perfect, dangerous man,  the wedging of your immortal souls over campaign promises, what shall it profit if divinity is lost in the ceaseless bloodletting of it? This warring with the inevitable, the migrants of our projected fate. Listen to rebellious Americans infected with Noah's day contagion not seeing, hearing nor taking to heart a righteous God who relocate to decimate entire planets, if only to win their direct attention, He alone is God! Borrowing a looking glass into their black web and soon you hear in prophet Ezekiel ear or is it Jesus forewarning a whoring Jezebel, like today's educators giving his people a lesson in damning whoredom. An abomination giving into abomination revisited as.riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, “and I will strip their leaders, as the day of their birth” with a Jesus Husband, the morning into predicted, disaster Hawaii seen with them, their fiery furnace, he now their longsuffering.

He said furthermore unto me, prophet Ezekiel, son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? (grace, bride, angels, west rule done, taken), but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations.. When I was shown further Dec. 25, 2001, was when I saw gone off the map as commanded California and Canada West Pacific, now with a  Midwest, and Eastern seaboard its target. Hawaii begin to blow and suddenly it's the end for tens of millions of its residents are instead obliterated. I explained, their 2009, 2012 movie, also originated here, meaning these 30 plus springs yours is a back to forward slow motion exodus but who in their right American dreaming would believe me? Even This,; Who shall believe our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed, any proposed remnant ascended or like the elephants of staying unaware, stampeding, beware, Apb

     -The Dying Of Schools Is Painful I Further Heard, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools!


     -I warned only a day past of terrorist plots being made against children and schools. I admit I meant Islamic terrorist and US soil, but here the reminder still,1987 my prayer closet. Holy Spirit warn how modern technology crept into the home unaware would be as parents setting a gun to their children heads and pulling the trigger, now they're deemed as Nazis moms/parents. 
     -Only here lately, 2017, I witnessed Ancient Beast, the Lion, Leopard and the demon dog I acquaint with Egypt's Anbius. That's all sitting in the church, home front as friendly house pets, so just as other members of the family, routine. I also saw all innovative growth in the kitchen sink as one is to wash dishes, this wipeout, probably by the ELE, US soil, for a sudden lost of 190 years, I also saw;  just see the tens of millions nestled alone about beast of beauty, Yellowstone, beware, Apb,

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The Light Of Regan Central Whitehead

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 2012, (1986-2016/17/18)      And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from t...