-Regretfully, admitting Chris, there's some truth to men seeding these evil, like as described Ps. 2, they want to battle with God, knowing every challenger past and these six millennia present who"ve tried are pushing up fire and brimstone, for eternity. But after the weight of blood guilt, judgement, Dec.14/15/2001, first an ELE, like what Yellowstone is threatening right now. Come as well an Islamic world reign and a towering, beige horse, infested with fleas; following were back to back disasters but as men dressed as horses, so man-made, beware, Apb
Article, The opposition has won only two of some two-dozen major national elections since 1998. On that basis it complains of a “dictatorship,” while former U.S. President Jimmy Carter calls Venezuela's the best electoral system in the world. Article, How Venezuela Re-elected Maduro, Defying the U.S. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/06/04/venezuela-reelects-maduro-defying-the-u-s/
(and I heard, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, seperate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces!" Meaning the mountainous judgement in the reigning Bride hand when she release is actually aiming for you, king of kings western civilization, surely the sowing of the genocidal petrodollar, reap it!) Beware, Apb
Prophecy Link
Seen to being in bold, lowercase letters the word, error, beware, Apb
-I explained doing the first Matx. ten day countdown, 12/3-10/2017, the Jerusalem, US Embassy, Palestine/Abbas, debacle. It was instead doing the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware, (God no longer winking at ignorance of anything); and earth’s sin fractured foundation itself been shaking, quaking and erupting nuclear events, ringing earth's bells along red alerts, since.
-Losing a handle on an autistic nephew Carter while doing this crossover I explained meant with the Trump/Pence White house. As of what the heathen raging think, want; sadly going down the drain with Hawaii lava lakes of hell’s fire were the US peacemakers, like Pres. Carter. Whereas as predicted for many millennia Jerusalem and Palestine would be getting along just as China and Russia want, like North and South Korea, beware you're looking at a world without West Rule.
-Indefinitely with Kim not for a second forgetting and as to threaten America, the hypocritical, the joker the backster; the Babylonian mystery of spiritual warfare; this world is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb
How Venezuela Re-elected Maduro, Defying the U.S. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/06/04/venezuela-reelects-maduro-defying-the-u-s/
How Venezuela Re-elected Maduro, Defying the U.S. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/06/04/venezuela-reelects-maduro-defying-the-u-s/
Article, The opposition has won only two of some two-dozen major national elections since 1998. On that basis it complains of a “dictatorship,” while former U.S. President Jimmy Carter calls Venezuela's the best electoral system in the world. (smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, seperate BRitain, America into itty, bitty pieces, meaning the mountainous judgement in the reigning Bride hand when she release it not aiming for you, western civilization, you sown the genocidal petrodollar,reap it!) Beware, Apb
-I explained doing the first Matx. ten day countdown, 12/3-10/2017, the Jerusalem, US Embassy, Palestine/Abbas, debacle. It was instead, doing the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware, God no liner winking at ignorance of anything; and earth’s sin fractured foundation itself been shaking, quaking and erupting nuclear events, ringing earth's bells into red alerts, since.
-Losing a handle on an autistic nephew carter while doing this crossover I explained meant with Trump/Pence White house of what heathen raging think, going down Hawaii lava lakes of hell’s fire was the ever US peacemaker, like Pres. Carter and as predicted for many millennia Jerusalem and Palestine would be getting along like North and South Korea, just as China would want, with Kim not for a second forgetting and threatening America the hypocritical, the joker the backster..
-For my first trial, 1986, as an Apostle of Christ, and I'm talking baby green steps, the church I was in was dying, a truth revisited as of Rev. 2, by by dreams of damnable riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers only hours before the predicted disaster Hawaii inbound missile alert. As forewarn like most churches their candlelite of Holy Spirit and Truth was dimming or just faded away altogether, so was Jesus, now knocking at the door.
-Soon pastor so desperate for answers place the church on a three day fast, and meetings thereafter were prayer settings, in all of this he portrayed himself a wise leader, even a baby Apostle could see it, but with each church, the nations foundation stone, like those of of Asia Minor, Rev. 1-3, (Dec. 1-5 2017); they had high marks and they had their lows. So far our last three Presidential leaders all received a grade of error that's aligned to a weight of blood guilt that's set to claim fifty million of your lives and as Noah's day, deemed a Noah's cousin, all easy kills I may add.
-Especially if you're following Americanized terrorist leaders and are nestled by the tens of millions along these Godzilla monster type Yellowstone Caldera at limits and pending this nation, it's tyrannical world system sudden end by a Rev. 6, Matx 6, crying three days into the congressman trainwreck, no further delays, its 6th seal dawn US soil, my deathrider from beneath the earth, as beneath y'all very feet, of a super eruption and if you want to as God, Dec. 25th, 2001 size up US weight of blood guilt and God's wrath at them.
-Guilty of squandering sky reaching martyred blood you guilty Americans are sitting on not one but three pending Godzilla eruptions, California, New Mexico and Wyoming, not even counting famed locked and loaded Godzilla, Dragons like earthquake faults all extinction level events as predicted taking the 2017, solar, eclipse trajectory, from the US/ Canada West/Northwest Pacific into its eastern seaboard, also announced doing this 2001 dream as gone! You see this is why as the 2001 Christmas Carol dream began, the things present, the things active were these areas here revisited 2017 now spending between a 10. 2 and major, major earthquakes.
-That's plural and sky reaching tsunamis including seeing California gone off planet and hearing Canada commanded to go off the map as in they were no more and everything, like Ezekiel 5, everything from there was a blazing inferno. Everything that ever grieved God and his people Apostate churches, Walmart's, the White House, Kennedy space center all these Nimrods Towers yet lamenting. I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: now we know why it was shown Prophet Ezekiel specifically the six slayers commanded by God where summoned from the higer gate north.
-Instead the Psalmist cried who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle; Now speaking of apostate churches, like I said everything decision pastor made at this time was wise, very wise. Though taking a lesson from those who say be careful what you ask for, that's prayer, only you're asking God, from Jesus, now our Lord's prayer, back to Prophet Daniel prater Dan. 9, saying all this evil God, has come upon us yet we make not our prayer before the Lord our God that our wicked hearts and wicked lives be transformed into Jesus the Christ Lord, again pastor was desperate, he was contemplating closing the church doors and making house visits to the fre members remaining.
-Guilty of squandering sky reaching martyred blood you guilty Americans are sitting on not one but three pending Godzilla eruptions, California, New Mexico and Wyoming, not even counting famed locked and loaded Godzilla, Dragons like earthquake faults all extinction level events as predicted taking the 2017, solar, eclipse trajectory, from the US/ Canada West/Northwest Pacific into its eastern seaboard, also announced doing this 2001 dream as gone! You see this is why as the 2001 Christmas Carol dream began, the things present, the things active were these areas here revisited 2017 now spending between a 10. 2 and major, major earthquakes.
-That's plural and sky reaching tsunamis including seeing California gone off planet and hearing Canada commanded to go off the map as in they were no more and everything, like Ezekiel 5, everything from there was a blazing inferno. Everything that ever grieved God and his people Apostate churches, Walmart's, the White House, Kennedy space center all these Nimrods Towers yet lamenting. I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: now we know why it was shown Prophet Ezekiel specifically the six slayers commanded by God where summoned from the higer gate north.
-Instead the Psalmist cried who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle; Now speaking of apostate churches, like I said everything decision pastor made at this time was wise, very wise. Though taking a lesson from those who say be careful what you ask for, that's prayer, only you're asking God, from Jesus, now our Lord's prayer, back to Prophet Daniel prater Dan. 9, saying all this evil God, has come upon us yet we make not our prayer before the Lord our God that our wicked hearts and wicked lives be transformed into Jesus the Christ Lord, again pastor was desperate, he was contemplating closing the church doors and making house visits to the fre members remaining.
-After fasting three days and by a live vision seeing God's throne with its throne backed into their prayers, actually the foundation stone of my newness of life, Psalm 66:18, so I told pastor, me only a new member, a new convert you could say, I had something to say. There's this article I brushed by lately which said it's the Christians, (apostate), they’ll run you out of the church so will it's religious overseer. Explainable, by this time I’d crawled into my prayer close, surrender the pending wicked devices of birth blood heart, I'd come a new creature?
-Jesus come, 1986, immediately and pluck me from the planet, he had wings, he to look upon was God, I wouldn't remember that I actually left with him, only that I saw him, heard him, this live demonstration to broadcasting until seven years later, 1993, then holy spirit moved into the home, with all this come a spiritual hunger and thirst passed finding out, about three months explained I was an apostle I'm talking as in Jesus day I say no way is that possible and close my bible, this subject and walk away so it took a battle, a scripture truth still all this had happened and I'm standing this man’s pulpit, thinking it's God's as all should be.
-King Solomon's II Chron. 7:14, 15, is this foundation, this seat bed of blessed, godly love affairs, repent or you're none of His/Theirs. What can I say? The holy spirit had spoken, all was well, the members revived and rejoiced pastor church was now completely restored and again thriving and so would the country build equally upon such breaking through to holy blessedness. Only pastor and ministering staff like I did, had this single, jarring at the heart mind and soul issue, not God, He's God, and especially since. Christ cross of resurrection restoring one new man.
-That remind me, I flipped grand Caden out just a day past, when I told him, not only are we, HUMAN KIND, one man, (one procreation), one bloodline, there was a time we only spoke one language, you should have seen his face; I said it's all in the bible, the book of Genesis. God, it is He alone who sat up it's sanctuary, it's members as He Will, still I was female and I mention now being an Apostle and them them through scripture. God is watching this, he's recording this, know HE, records everything, EVERYTHING! But don't forget Holy Spirits had moved in to personally fill me up with God's spirit and truth and this forbidden woman was like a forbidden Nazarene Jesus in the midst of religious leaders/
Plainly, there was nothing they could do, but like religious leaders mock, blaspheme and persecute God, and God's anointed, when God, well reigning Jesus, Lamb said if you're found neither godly nor ungodly but in betwixt, an apostate along Gethsemane garden’s indecisions of life and death, of heaven and hell, he will spit you out of his mouth, see more, here, Mat. 7: 21-23; so God as threatened took his candlelight, place else’s; this doomed World, Earth and thus abominable world system is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb
-King Solomon's II Chron. 7:14, 15, is this foundation, this seat bed of blessed, godly love affairs, repent or you're none of His/Theirs. What can I say? The holy spirit had spoken, all was well, the members revived and rejoiced pastor church was now completely restored and again thriving and so would the country build equally upon such breaking through to holy blessedness. Only pastor and ministering staff like I did, had this single, jarring at the heart mind and soul issue, not God, He's God, and especially since. Christ cross of resurrection restoring one new man.
-That remind me, I flipped grand Caden out just a day past, when I told him, not only are we, HUMAN KIND, one man, (one procreation), one bloodline, there was a time we only spoke one language, you should have seen his face; I said it's all in the bible, the book of Genesis. God, it is He alone who sat up it's sanctuary, it's members as He Will, still I was female and I mention now being an Apostle and them them through scripture. God is watching this, he's recording this, know HE, records everything, EVERYTHING! But don't forget Holy Spirits had moved in to personally fill me up with God's spirit and truth and this forbidden woman was like a forbidden Nazarene Jesus in the midst of religious leaders/
Plainly, there was nothing they could do, but like religious leaders mock, blaspheme and persecute God, and God's anointed, when God, well reigning Jesus, Lamb said if you're found neither godly nor ungodly but in betwixt, an apostate along Gethsemane garden’s indecisions of life and death, of heaven and hell, he will spit you out of his mouth, see more, here, Mat. 7: 21-23; so God as threatened took his candlelight, place else’s; this doomed World, Earth and thus abominable world system is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb
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